Articles #99

10 unbearable colleagues

10 unbearable colleagues
Scientists have already described these types, but what to do with them do not yet know. To destroy somehow inhumanly, but it is impossible to work together....

How to use food residues

How to use food residues
Every year you are yes, yes, you personally - throw more than 100 kilograms of food on the garbage. Translate a kilogram in rubles and terrible. Many...

Eat, drink and trees: delicious dishes and drinks, which are good when cold

Eat, drink and trees: delicious dishes and drinks, which are good when cold
When you get sick, sometimes it is extremely reluctant, not what is. But you must force yourself to do it with pleasure and benefit! Catch our best and...

28 Verified Lifehakov about sex toys

28 Verified Lifehakov about sex toys
In this case, you can not be mistaken! Buy a vibrator who vibrates badly, and what? Back to carry? In order not to get to write, catch 28 absolutely...

Hey, yellow! Citrus Lifehaki

Hey, yellow! Citrus Lifehaki
In winter, without mandarin-orange lemons - in them and vitamins, and the New Year's smell, and they will not find anything else in supermarkets. When...

15 facts about you and "Harry Potter". In gifs!

15 facts about you and "Harry Potter". In gifs!
This fall will be published the eighth book about the already matured Harry Potter - "Harry Potter and the Okyanny Child." And we and the previous seven...

5 family life crises

5 family life crises
The most insidious people in the world are science fiction writers. Promised us cities on the moon - and where are cities? Promised the time car - deceived....

# Scientist: Now you have enough 1 minute training

# Scientist: Now you have enough 1 minute training
It seems that the eternal excuse "I don't have time for sports" now does not work. Scientists found out that short periods of intensive training can, by...

How to perceive criticism: Quentin Lesson Tarantino

How to perceive criticism: Quentin Lesson Tarantino
The author of Mentorless Blog Natalie Sodane remembered the curious case that happened with the Quentin Tarantino at the beginning of his career, and...

Beauty! Geminides flew to us - the coolest stream of meteors

Beauty! Geminides flew to us - the coolest stream of meteors
NASA does not sleep and invites everyone to join the monitoring of Geminides - one of the brightest meteoric flows that in December from the ground can...

Fake home earnings for moms: do not go on these ideas

Fake home earnings for moms: do not go on these ideas
Why suddenly a young mother can not make a career or at least make money? Internet disagree! It is only worth a woman with a little child in his hands...

9 horrors through which a woman will pass whose man is experiencing middle-aged crisis

9 horrors through which a woman will pass whose man is experiencing middle-aged crisis
Any man once passes through the hell under the name of the middle-aged crisis. More precisely, he believes that he passes through hell. In fact, the hell...

7 annoying types of moms with whom you will meet, becoming mom

7 annoying types of moms with whom you will meet, becoming mom
Jenny Aisenman, the author of humorous columns by profession and mom in life, decided to take and push out other mothers. Those Mothers. Which are annoying...

Baby with delivery - Honest parental reviews on newborns

Baby with delivery - Honest parental reviews on newborns
We report on viewed films, read books, put the ratings of restaurants and hotels. And the worse babies: expectations and reality often diverge. On the...

Caming Out: How I did not become an ideal mom

Caming Out: How I did not become an ideal mom
Julia Xianto - Young Mom and Dowla, whose text about tactile fatigue (Completely Touched Out) We have been published last time, and he went through thousands...