Articles #94

What if the child does not come in touch: Important tips from the detachment "Lisa Alert"

What if the child does not come in touch: Important tips from the detachment "Lisa Alert"
In the age of the total connection of all with everyone in the right time mode, the likelihood is that a person, especially a child who did not respond...

Acquaintance with parents: 7 Iron Rules

Acquaintance with parents: 7 Iron Rules
The end of December is the time of heavy testing by corporate parties, the search for gifts and chaos in the office. It is possible that another one...

5 things you need to score if you are friendly roads

5 things you need to score if you are friendly roads
The success of your romance depends not only on what you do, but also from what you do not. Of course, it is important to pay attention to the little...

5 reasons to spend time weekend in the country in winter, not summer

5 reasons to spend time weekend in the country in winter, not summer
Cottage seems purely summer entertainment, but in winter it can also be more fun on it, and there are five reasons for that.Of course, if you don't forget...

10 comics about the hard share of father and husband (18+)

10 comics about the hard share of father and husband (18+)
The artist known under the nickname Lunarbaboon draws comics devoted to his family and, above all, the relationship with the eldest son washed. Translation:...

15 problems that only sweating

15 problems that only sweating
Yes, let it have fallen in Tartarara at all, this summer! You still do not see him - you pour sweat.You have not yet caused the elevator, and you already...

How do the signs of the zodiac are engaged in sports? Horoscope

How do the signs of the zodiac are engaged in sports? Horoscope
Fitonyashki occurs, I will not grow zoom, you will not go to Instagram - there are all in the Selfie gyms pilyat. However, before driving to someone with...

Physical Culture of the inner world: Kegel exercises are really needed

Physical Culture of the inner world: Kegel exercises are really needed
Training of vaginal musculature will save your female fate - advertising that rushes on us from every iron. As always, a good rational grain is buried...

Did you take care of the chest? Simple rules for care for the most expensive

Did you take care of the chest? Simple rules for care for the most expensive
Tits are cool, no doubt. However, many girls perceive this beautiful part of the body as granted and do not pay due attention to the care of breasts.

Romantic tips from pornstar

Romantic tips from pornstar
Pornstars work not to dope, um, hands, to first wake, and then satisfy our fantasies and fetishes. Each of them per year has sex with dozens and hundreds...

10 very much vital observations. Behind you. In pictures

10 very much vital observations. Behind you. In pictures
We all, of course, individuality, but ... that from the drawn Lorin Branz - not about you?!When you give in charm of culinary bloggers When are you all...

Bonifacea, Mercury and Oliver Cromwell: Interesting Facts about Christmas

Bonifacea, Mercury and Oliver Cromwell: Interesting Facts about Christmas
Christmas is one of the main holidays of Christians around the world. In terms of celebration and universal attention, with him exactly no day in the year...

His jealousy: when it is time to say "Enough!"

His jealousy: when it is time to say "Enough!"
Jealousy - the phenomenon is very common, but it is impossible to say that very pleasant. As in everything, a measure is important here: if you tear each...

18+: Types of women's orgasms

18+: Types of women's orgasms
Sexologists of the whole world are already entangled in their own classifications of orgasms. PICS.RU just in case gathered everything. Let them be. And...

10 strange, but completely normal effects of orgasm

10 strange, but completely normal effects of orgasm
Orgasm is not only flowers and fireworks, but also the mass of other special effects: strange, funny, and sometimes unpleasant. Do not worry, everything...