Articles #93

A child has a conflict - what to do?

A child has a conflict - what to do?
That comes from school and shirts. Or, worse, looks into the wall. Nobling, taken for the throat, the child is admitted - hostilities began. Your baby...

How to secure an apartment before departure: 15 simple lifehak

How to secure an apartment before departure: 15 simple lifehak
Perhaps most of these little tricks would have successfully replaced the great and practically the sure-minded method "to hang alarm for many thousands...

15 objective reasons why cool to be an old woman!

15 objective reasons why cool to be an old woman!
The editorial office of came a letter, by which we could not pass. It takes too much for the soul! Actually, publish: "The public around me...

Nischable Guide on New York: What to see in NYC, if in your pocket hole

Nischable Guide on New York: What to see in NYC, if in your pocket hole
The best things in the world are getting free, especially if it concerns travel: an unforgettable spirit of the wanderings for any money can not be bought....

How to be a company pug. Agamemnona method

How to be a company pug. Agamemnona method
We have already written about the character - Mopsa Agamemnon, calling together with his lucky owner Yuri Kalmchenko to start as many pugs as possible....

Mom, you are an idiot: what to do when our children are smarter than us

Mom, you are an idiot: what to do when our children are smarter than us
It is not completely scary if the child is better than you in the tablet and backagan varieties. It is much more exemplary if the child is better than...

What will say our descendants about Flashmob "photos of 2010"

What will say our descendants about Flashmob "photos of 2010"
Who else has not shared in Facebook with its photos from the 1990s? Thank you, we have already resulted in horror of these nobility, sweaters, harsh poses...

18 tweets from which you learn about parenthood is not exactly what I would like

18 tweets from which you learn about parenthood is not exactly what I would like
Well, we all know that to educate children is a difficult thing. But no one prepared us for the fact that it will be frankly insane and sometimes very...

11 female fetish: what do we have a heart at the sight of men

11 female fetish: what do we have a heart at the sight of men
If you ask women, what we like in men, we, of course, say choir: "Mind!" Well, that, because it really likes it. But the knees are waiting completely from...

In Hollywood, too, cry: stars that suffered from beatings of their favorite men

In Hollywood, too, cry: stars that suffered from beatings of their favorite men
Each of these novels first seemed to be a real fairy tale: beautiful courtship, fountain of passion, dear gifts, luxury weddings. And few of the colleagues...

The couple played a wedding in the style of the "Jurassic Park", on the preparation of dinosaurs and other years a year and a half

The couple played a wedding in the style of the "Jurassic Park", on the preparation of dinosaurs and other years a year and a half
How important is it for a pair - have common hobbies! 28-year-old Courtney Macmillion and 26-year-old Billy combined love for the film "The Park of...

5 very nasty ways that many guys masturbated in adolescence

5 very nasty ways that many guys masturbated in adolescence
How sometimes sometimes for the pleasure of the girl, we have already told. And for this article we remembered all the most frozen recognition of familiar...

How much in adolescence sex sex? Litish question

How much in adolescence sex sex? Litish question
Want that adults or not, they like it or not, teenagers have sex. And you can't do anything about it. But you can teach them to be protected and asking...

4 situations where a man can just understand, and 4 - when it is better not necessary

4 situations where a man can just understand, and 4 - when it is better not necessary
Recommendations in women's magazines are confused. On each problem in relationships are given diametrically opposite recommendations, and every time -...

Itching seventh year: Does he exist at all?

Itching seventh year: Does he exist at all?
In 1955, Marilyn Monroe got up in a lush white dress on the ventilation grille, and the world found out about Seven-Year Itch - "Item Seventh Year."...