Articles #91

Figure troll to death: how to defeat the network provocateur

Figure troll to death: how to defeat the network provocateur
Trolling can not be underestimated. This is such a powerful tool of influence that someone made a career on it: for example, Lars von Trier, who has...

People who died trying to lose weight

People who died trying to lose weight
According to the calculations of the analytical company Datamonitor, diets work around one person from hundreds. But it does not stop millions of people...

Children of gay and lesbians talk about their lives. Persons and stories

Children of gay and lesbians talk about their lives. Persons and stories
Photographer Gabriela Erman Over the past five years, shot portraits of people whose parents, both or alone, belong to LBTK, and polled their models. "My...

What are you gay? Best Test of All Times

What are you gay? Best Test of All Times
Sansary wheel - insidious thing. You were born here by the reader of Pixes, and could - for grasshopper, hepard, Kim John or a gay boy. By the way,...

10 men who want to spit on women, but we still like

10 men who want to spit on women, but we still like
Despite all the efforts of fighters for morality and highness, we know - gays exist! Moreover, they are among us! Moreover! Some of them are damn good...

Cheeky worm and plush intestines: the funniest goods from AliExpress

Cheeky worm and plush intestines: the funniest goods from AliExpress
This is not everything in Greece. It is in China it is. Including such what we could not think about. Especially judging by the descriptions. Sometimes...

Where is this button?! Talented reviews about goods

Where is this button?! Talented reviews about goods
Here you are when you're going to buy something in the online store - customer reviews, I suppose, are studying? We also read. Immediately I wanted...

Drawn the adventures of the same girl

Drawn the adventures of the same girl
How many times did we in childhood tell each other about the adventures and misadventures of some kind of girl? But the artist named Ira, signing his pictures...

Rules of life. Lord Volan de Mort. PICS.RU takes an interview

Rules of life. Lord Volan de Mort. PICS.RU takes an interview
I am asked why I wanted for blood purity If I myself am half a magnet, such a tone, as if they do not know that Hitler was a Jew on her grandmother.I...

Sex: expectations and reality. In comics. Funny and vitally damn

Sex: expectations and reality. In comics. Funny and vitally damn
The artist Lorin Branz (buzzfeed) painted comics that cause such funny and such embarrassing memories of our experiments.Sex in the soul Your orgasm Games...

9 Really safe sex pose for teenagers

9 Really safe sex pose for teenagers
Sex high school students and students want, and there is often no buying condoms. Especially for young people who do not want to desecrate their first...

About Kiy.

About Kiy.
When young Choo is in the process of knowledge of the Broken World - it's time to say "so! EPRST! Why do you draw on the wallpaper! Well, stop! " And get...

15 signs that you contacted a psychopath

15 signs that you contacted a psychopath
Not all psychopaths run after a homemade with an ax and shuffle strangers on meat cutting. Most looks completely fine, or even charming.Clinical psychopaths...

That men actually think about Stepford Wives

That men actually think about Stepford Wives
The book "Capturing Feminine" was published by Helen Anteline in 1963. But helen herself did not invent anything - simply compiled advice on how to...

How to survive after vacation and not to die from the sex of being

How to survive after vacation and not to die from the sex of being
Vacation is invented in order for after it with fresh forces to throw on to work and show all the results in it. And in fact, you will come from the...