Articles #9

A student has developed a mug recharge the iPhone energy of hot coffee (video)

A student has developed a mug recharge the iPhone energy of hot coffee (video)
The future is here! A student from Canada has developed a system that allows you to charge an iPhone with the energy of cooled coffee.And it's not a joke!...

Let's give the New Year's Magic! Video training in help crazy handles

Let's give the New Year's Magic! Video training in help crazy handles
Our hands are not for boredom! And in order to born cool festive pieces. Even if you are not a super craftswoman, the case will go clenate and more...

Origami: 10 step-by-step video lessons

Origami: 10 step-by-step video lessons
If you never collected origami according to the scheme for three hours, then you do not know life. It is like puzzle, only compact and there is no fear...

7 video blocks that will bring you out of themselves. And your children are singing from them!

7 video blocks that will bring you out of themselves. And your children are singing from them!
What a teenager "cool", then adult "horror": the eternal problem of fathers and children! Typical example - video blocks.Now ask your child, how many characters...

10 Warring Video Training

10 Warring Video Training
The fitness club is far away in the pool wet, run on our streets scary ... So, everything is enough. Here are ten chic videos. Only turn on, then the legs...

12 most frequent mistakes that make ladies when leaving for themselves

12 most frequent mistakes that make ladies when leaving for themselves
Regardless of age, many women in care are committed by the same mistakes that later lead to unpleasant consequences. In this article, consider the 12...

9 segless rules that will help find a good cosmetologist

9 segless rules that will help find a good cosmetologist
If I want to care for skin care, you need to contact a beautician. A competent specialist will always select efficient procedures and suitable cosmetics,...

150 years in jeans history: from the first models for workers to fashionable brands

150 years in jeans history: from the first models for workers to fashionable brands
No one will argue with whom that jeans in one form or another over the past decades do not come out of fashion. But it was not always so. In fact, jeans...

Wearing or not to wear: the advantages of modern corsets

Wearing or not to wear: the advantages of modern corsets
Previously, the corset served not only to reduce the waist, but also like underwear. Now he often acts as an upper clothes, but his goal is still the...

Women wear high heels due to nonsense men - confident historians

Women wear high heels due to nonsense men - confident historians
There are few people know about it, but high heels were not originally designed for wearing women. For example, the Labutena shoes today with red soles...

10 almost mystical stories from the life of artists

10 almost mystical stories from the life of artists
Artists - Creative people and inclined to different kinds of hoaxes. Perhaps this is why with them and there are various kinds of funny strange stories,...

8 ancient means for beauty, relevant and today

8 ancient means for beauty, relevant and today
People - and especially women - always wanted to look good, and cosmetology has many thousands of years. The desire to be beautiful is one of the basic...

How tried to treat migraine in history: the 7st most strange ways

How tried to treat migraine in history: the 7st most strange ways
Migraine is more than just a headache. Symptoms of migraine, which affect approximately every seventh person around the world, may include pulsing pain...

10 Women Spies that managed to change the course of history

10 Women Spies that managed to change the course of history
Perhaps many will be surprised by learning how much the spy women affected the story. Some of them were quite famous in completely different areas,...

The most popular things from the fashion of the past, which today amuse

The most popular things from the fashion of the past, which today amuse
Fashion is a very strange thing. She changes very quickly, sometimes even the most crazy things can become fashionable, and only real experts can predict...