Articles #81

What if your child has no friends?

What if your child has no friends?
What's the child, the less you are responsible for this situation. In his (her) thirty years you are no longer in business. Five is completely your...

Torture in short. How does it work?

Torture in short. How does it work?
From torture, the strongest nuts and secret agents are brocatesed from torture. And many of us in this mode live almost constantly. Also proud - Evona,...

Indigo children: a myth working against children

Indigo children: a myth working against children
Once it was us called the generation of Indigo children. The psychics and teachers of the new formation, without prejudice, following a certain Nancy Anne...

Oxford Dictionary: replenishment. 37 new and unusual words

Oxford Dictionary: replenishment. 37 new and unusual words
Every few months, the Oxford dictionary is replenished with new words and expressions of the English language. These may be new terms of science and politics...

17 Lifehakov for moving: a catastrophe is canceled!

17 Lifehakov for moving: a catastrophe is canceled!
One crossing is approximately two fires and three floods. This law cannot be canceled. But you can slightly change the proportions. A total of half the...

How to help a girlfriend experiencing divorce

How to help a girlfriend experiencing divorce
Even when the divorce is long-awaited happiness, it often turns out with a huge stress for a woman. Usually, almost or already a former husband tries...

6 girls tell why they do not shave legs and everything else

6 girls tell why they do not shave legs and everything else
Shave or shave?! The question is very long. Everyone disassembled individually with him. Here are six girls tell why they decided to postpone the razor...

10 techniques, how faster sob

10 techniques, how faster sob
Now let's say a terribly miserable thing. Love is to actively wish to someone good and happiness. If you love so much, not a question, love on. But...

Funny comics about everything in the world

Funny comics about everything in the world
The absurdity of our life, multiplied to the procrastination, brought our editor to the handle and the American comic book site. And Dedine, multiplied...

12 words for lovers who do not have analogues in Russian

12 words for lovers who do not have analogues in Russian
Love always lacked words. This is because the most expressive scattered in different languages. And we will collect them back together. ...

Comic Day: This is the twenty-first century, baby

Comic Day: This is the twenty-first century, baby
French cartooner Jean Julien lives and works in England. But this means nothing at all. I will remain in my homeland or try to move to Argentina, perhaps...

Mad comics: visually about the life of words

Mad comics: visually about the life of words
Many words look strange. On comics from the artist, representing just Igor, they look strange in the literal sense of the word. Violin-Fox, Retrovirus,...

22 things that are constantly happening in porn - and almost never in life. 18+

22 things that are constantly happening in porn - and almost never in life. 18+
You know that porn is not a documentary movie. But some still do not believe. Let them read it!There will be no sex until three or four cameras will be...

7 situations when you do not need to dismiss

7 situations when you do not need to dismiss
Your work infuriates you? It is normal, she infuriates everyone. Well, except that only the editors of the PICS is an enviable exception to the rules,...