Articles #74

7 funny and accurate pictures on how dogs see our world

7 funny and accurate pictures on how dogs see our world
The artist-schedule from San Francisco, Robert Brown, very witty showed in comics, as our reality looks like by the eyes of ordinary home dogs. A...

Fruit desserts: 7 recipes for those who are barely able to cook

Fruit desserts: 7 recipes for those who are barely able to cook
By the end of May, it becomes clear that your good intentions to eat alone fruit with a crash failed. Bored apples bored, strawberries already across her...

Why didn't our parents shake on us?

Why didn't our parents shake on us?
Everything in this light, what happens between people seems to us eternal. After all, and in the fifteenth century, a woman loved a man, and in the...

12 ruthless honest facts about makeup

12 ruthless honest facts about makeup
Every morning it is a fight with shadows, eyeliner and blush. Not for life, but to death. But we still do not give up!If a very long time to paint and...

Funny comics: somewhere in the universe cats

Funny comics: somewhere in the universe cats
Canadian artist Kelly Bastou drew fun comics about how cats and people looked like, changing places. And the friend Kelly Keitlin Major painted them.Perfect...

Types of nasty chiefs and 7 tips, how to curb them

Types of nasty chiefs and 7 tips, how to curb them
It happens that you work, and everything suits. And colleagues are excellent, and work like it, and the boss is not at all. But this is not a reason to...

Comics that will make laugh any doggyman

Comics that will make laugh any doggyman
The artist from Seattle Matthew Inman most of all loves his diet, based on whiskey, his dogs and draw comics. Sometimes he combines ... and draws scolded...

10 Lyfhakov professional office loafer

10 Lyfhakov professional office loafer
They say something in the career to reach, you need to plow like a flock of buffaloes. And I have no kicking baby - the chef is like here, and the colleagues...

22 points that you did not know, but all homosexuals do it (18+)

22 points that you did not know, but all homosexuals do it (18+)
When natural curiosity takes the top, unrestrained fantasy connects. Let's not specify and fantasize, let's find out how people with unconventional sexual...

We need it! 25 Girls from Aliexpress

We need it! 25 Girls from Aliexpress
On Aliexpress you can find everything you want: from the new-fashioned Korean masks for the face to the latex costume of a woman-cat with a 50% discount....

9 convincing reasons to get out of the discussion on the Internet. In gifs and examples

9 convincing reasons to get out of the discussion on the Internet. In gifs and examples
At the dawn of social networks, the honor and pride of any disputes were not to go out of the discussion to the last. It does not matter whether macaroni...

We need it! Gadgets-supervisers

We need it! Gadgets-supervisers
We are all under the High Technology Cap. That's good. Let them remind us themselves that it would be necessary to eat smaller, move more, keep the back...

Things that you forget to warn you when you gathered to become dad

Things that you forget to warn you when you gathered to become dad
Some things would have to warn about the day when you only planned the child. No, that day, when you generally thought about the fact that one day, maybe...

11 ways to tap the cat

11 ways to tap the cat
About the harm of cats owners know no obstacle. They know, but for some reason they forgive his tailed handsome hands all. And the early wake, and the...

We need it! Desktop procrastinator: how else to have fun at work

We need it! Desktop procrastinator: how else to have fun at work
Pics.Ru collected pieces to help you to fully fool in the workplace with fiction and comfort. Hold on, sister, vacation is already close.Wolf-gyroscope If...