Articles #72

Epic census from your ribbons

Epic census from your ribbons
Epic posts and multiply faster than rabbits, and dengue dengue. They are immortally catchers and Maclaude, combined, and on delusion and dangers are comparable...

22 The most honest postcards about what is a parent

22 The most honest postcards about what is a parent Reminds: children are flowers of life. So feed them, water, love and delight. And we - we will remind you of why children are so beautiful. ...

Gop Stop and other awkward situations for which thanks to the kids

Gop Stop and other awkward situations for which thanks to the kids
The child is the best sponge. Absorbs everything in general. From the kindergarten, from the playground, literally from somewhere from the air brings...

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from
Archimedes Act The children's body, immersed in the liquid, acts on a liquid with a splashing force, twice the intended strength of the body.The first...

Warm things come from childhood

Warm things come from childhood
In the world of dedlamans, gadgets and eternal traffic jams, the heart is desperately lacking for something. But what is able to give us good light remains...

How the signs of the zodiac on the uninhabited island behave

How the signs of the zodiac on the uninhabited island behave
Life is an unpredictable thing, it's anyone without any horoscopes knows, so, going to a potentially dangerous journey, you need to choose travelers born...

Several hours of Freedom: What to do young parents, if you managed to run forward briefly

Several hours of Freedom: What to do young parents, if you managed to run forward briefly
This text is dedicates to all young mothers who seem to be the world consists of dirty diapers, (ka) kashek and children's toys. New Year's...

Doors and windows: 11 extraordinary photos from around the world from the Portuguese

Doors and windows: 11 extraordinary photos from around the world from the Portuguese
The portuguese travels the world and takes pictures of beautiful doors and windows. Before that, Andre Vicente Gonzalves was an computer science specialist,...

Former who had every girl

Former who had every girl
According to the space laws of the Universe and uniquely uniquely your current man. As soon as he goes to the category "Former", some amazing transformation...

Household telepathy: do not give yourself to fool

Household telepathy: do not give yourself to fool
Among the dazzlingly beautiful in their chicken, the equipment of the interlocutor takes a special place of household telepathy."You're gonna throw...

On one side: what scientists talk about same-sex couples

On one side: what scientists talk about same-sex couples
While supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage break a spear and distribute the Internet on the bike in fierce disputes, scientists quietly and...

Stylish, and most importantly, unusual: the most interesting thing per week on PICS

Stylish, and most importantly, unusual: the most interesting thing per week on PICS
Last week we decided to steal you with unusual stylish solutions, but a little distracted by pregnant women, mockery over men and devour. And we invite...

Children vs dogs. How are they like!

Children vs dogs. How are they like!
It is not true that we do not love children. We adore them, but still we cannot resist not to laugh at them. As well as dogs.It was the first proof that...

Ice cream with strange tastes: 10 recipes

Ice cream with strange tastes: 10 recipes
On the network there are hit parades of the most delusted ice cream on the planet: like "from octopus", "with Via-Gray", "with gold leaves" ... cool, of...

Friday kitty Sonya is the best present this year!

Friday kitty Sonya is the best present this year!
January 1 is not just Friday, this is a mega-friday. And note it so you need a mega-kotikovo! And start for this with good news ...The first good cat news...