Articles #71

9 important issues to which you stand before divorce

9 important issues to which you stand before divorce
With the onset of the crisis in family relationships, many begin to build plans for divorce, without attempting to save marriage. However, the divorce...

How to keep passion when a child appeared in the family

How to keep passion when a child appeared in the family
When a child appears in the family - this is a big joy. But at the same time it imposes a lot of responsibilities and responsibilities. Newly minted...

10 important points that will help keep marriage

10 important points that will help keep marriage
At the stage of love and a candy-bought period, people lose their heads - everything seems beautiful, the chosen one is perfect and there is no problem...

10 tips of the psychologist, how to survive the divorce of a woman with children

10 tips of the psychologist, how to survive the divorce of a woman with children
Divorce with her husband, and even more so when there are children in the family, is the strongest emotional shock. But even in the most emergency situations,...

10 non-traditional intimate practices of ancient Babylon

10 non-traditional intimate practices of ancient Babylon
Babylon, based on about 4000 BC, is considered one of the first civilizations. As you know, thanks to the Code of Hammurapi, Babylon was a society with...

Wolf and two pairs of panties: the most insane themes with male forums

Wolf and two pairs of panties: the most insane themes with male forums
When no one (that is, women) do not understand where to go? On the male forum!Confessions will always support in any situation - whether it is a woman...

Internal immigration. How to organize yourself in europe in a separate life

Internal immigration. How to organize yourself in europe in a separate life
With such a course, the euro is not soon to drive on Velika in Frankfurt and the Croissant in Paris. And with such weather, even the Slavophil-Forewoman...

5 kinosanyakov whose stories were taken from real life

5 kinosanyakov whose stories were taken from real life
Sometimes in the horror movie, the plot will be covered so cool, that only the diva is given: and how the script is just like a head? Normal person like...

10 signs that the date will be the last

10 signs that the date will be the last
You have already composed you a cozy apartment in Mytishchi, three charming weather and the annual tradition of alloy on kayaks in Thames, and after...

26 children's books, from which it is impossible to break away!

26 children's books, from which it is impossible to break away!
The textbook or encyclopedia is an exciting story not for any child. But to find out how the world works - terribly interesting! If, of course, it is correctly...

The leading of the last "Oscar" is annealed. 18 best jokes Ellen Degerers

The leading of the last "Oscar" is annealed. 18 best jokes Ellen Degerers
Ellen Degerers - one of the most famous comedians of the United States and, probably, it is difficult to notice a woman who has already received 11 "Emmy"...

What to do if a man does not want a child

What to do if a man does not want a child
The family becomes full only when a child appears in it. However, not all men want children. Some are afraid of responsibility, others are generally...

10 recruitment writers who have shuffled the public with their behavior

10 recruitment writers who have shuffled the public with their behavior
Today, people tend to think about poets as gentle, romantic creatures that furry clouds and flowers are sick. But this is not always the case. Sometimes...

Funny SMS from the former

Funny SMS from the former
When the former sends an example is a holiday and balsam on the heart of every girl. In response, it is necessary to be generous - so it will be offended...

A brief and chaotic guide to arthus

A brief and chaotic guide to arthus
Artyhaus film from the movie of the ordinary to distinguish is very simple: if you look at the clock as often as on the screen, then you can't doubt -...