Articles #64

Cartoons that help get out of the pit

Cartoons that help get out of the pit
When a tray is screaming on the cat's soul, and there is no money, time and determination on a psychologist, even a cartoon can perform in his role.We...

Tears - water, or as hysteria destroys relations

Tears - water, or as hysteria destroys relations
Hysterics, tears, suffering. There are periods that for some reason you cannot find a common language with a partner. Men carry these periods in their...

The saddest books

The saddest books
What to criticize the soul - sometimes we have all the hunt to climb on the sofa with your feet, they tastefully fuck and catch catharsis. We have collected...

How to save relationship after treason

How to save relationship after treason
From childhood or a little more conscious age, they are taught that any relationship first between a guy and a girl, and then between a man and a woman...

How to take the children with you on a date and not allow anyone to miss anyone

How to take the children with you on a date and not allow anyone to miss anyone
Give my grandmother a breather! 5 Soviets Lonely How to organize a cheerful date for two single adults together with their kids. When there is no return...

At full speed: how to overclock the metabolism?

At full speed: how to overclock the metabolism?
You live on the same silo and still do not crawl into jeans, and some unpleasant women are sinful with cakes and hamburgers, without adding neither...

How to remove hanging eyelids without surgery

How to remove hanging eyelids without surgery
Many women suffer from the problems of the authorities. At the very matter, this is not a problem at all, just hung a century visually looks sad, it...

Children of the units of famous parents. 20 fatal personalities

Children of the units of famous parents. 20 fatal personalities
They say the same, nature on children is resting, but children of some celebrities are often resting with her. And their debaches, scandals and exotic...

Madly Funny SMS from 16-year-old Nanny Gota

Madly Funny SMS from 16-year-old Nanny Gota
The most popular in the TV shows work for adolescents, baby sitter, in fact, not the most simple. Every day is full of discoveries, and not all of them...

Nazubok: myths about cutters, fangs and indigenous

Nazubok: myths about cutters, fangs and indigenous
Advertising toothpaste is lying. Chew advertising is lying. In general, everything is lying, except for, which is now spectacularly debunking...

11 photos that you will certainly bring from Turkey

11 photos that you will certainly bring from Turkey
With the first sunlights of the Berloga, the anecdotic already beast is served - Russian tourist. The lord of the mass tourist destination, equipped with...

Mind and feelings: how to make emotions work for you? 8 books from myth and

Mind and feelings: how to make emotions work for you? 8 books from myth and
It is believed that a real professional is a Shaolin monk and a terminator in one person: no emotions, nothing superfluous, all human is alien. And all...

Club "Breakfast": what to make baby on school lunch

Club "Breakfast": what to make baby on school lunch
Any little Pascuit is some "Snovers" Mile of Honest Mother Oladushkov, and therefore try it to convince that a good snack is vegetables with a grain bun,...

The most tragic places of the world

The most tragic places of the world
"Dark tourism" is the direct opposite of all-inclusive with animators. Surprisingly, many people go on vacation not to the sea and not in the mountains,...

Better sandwich: 7 fantastic bread crank recipes

Better sandwich: 7 fantastic bread crank recipes
Shmat is a worn bread - not a candidate in the trash, but a source of happiness and inspiration. Because from it you can make a lot of delicious thing.To...