Articles #48

20 hellish family photos. People, you are amazing!

20 hellish family photos. People, you are amazing!
Editorial staff PICS.RU held a day at the wonderful site and made an excellent selection of family photos. Here we look...

Hell family photos. Part 2

Hell family photos. Part 2
PICS.RU employees inspired by the first selection of hellish family photos, went further. The site is a real treasure of...

20 strange Victorian photos

20 strange Victorian photos
The Victorian Epoch is associated with reference tea drinks at five in the evening, tightly tightened corsets and a different kind of decent entertainment...

Dailed, rich, on success charged: Saty fortune telling 2.0

Dailed, rich, on success charged: Saty fortune telling 2.0
Around confusion, crisis, instability, atmospheric pressure drops and nothing is clear. It is time to clarify and make an expert forecast for the current...

Forbidden fruit: 13 pleasures for which almost not ashamed

Forbidden fruit: 13 pleasures for which almost not ashamed
There are things that are terribly nice to do, experiencing a slight feeling of shame, which gives special buzz and sharpness of sensations. We collected...

Animals that kill us

Animals that kill us
Good news: In the "civilized" world, a person practically defeated nature and animals for him do not represent any danger. Bad news: in developing countries...

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs.

How to live with a workaholic? 9 ways to facilitate their fate - in gifs.
There are things that can not be struggling. Well, you can't tell the same person: "Throw your work, she got me!" Nevertheless, live with an workaholic...

Where and when can I see starfall in Russia?

Where and when can I see starfall in Russia?
Make a Vish List and uncover the telescope! Stars will fall all year. Here you have accurate star schedule for this year.April 16-25 - LyridaLyrida is...

17 signs of workaholic. Check yourself while

17 signs of workaholic. Check yourself while
If more than half of these items are about you, congratulations: You are a workaholic. You definitely time to relax! True, "relax" with workolism is not...

On Mars began to look for life. A couple of hours ago

On Mars began to look for life. A couple of hours ago
A couple of hours ago, the Proton-M rocket started from the Baikonur cosmodrome. For the first time in the history of mankind, the devices were sent to...

Wedding photos for which not ashamed

Wedding photos for which not ashamed
The Internet is full of terrible wedding photographs, which without fear will not take a look. went from the opposite and picked up the pictures...

Conflict as a professional: 7 marital quarrel rules

Conflict as a professional: 7 marital quarrel rules
"But we will never quarrel with Vasya." Well, in vain. It is necessary to quarrel. Conflicts are needed by a healthy relationship like air, they help...

New Year's recipes: children's table, fast and tasty

New Year's recipes: children's table, fast and tasty
If you have a lot of people for the new year, it makes sense to sit apart separately. For a children's table. But to serve then standing differently,...

Trolling in medieval. How "burned in kamentach" hundreds of years ago

Trolling in medieval. How "burned in kamentach" hundreds of years ago
If you looked at least some Hollywood comedy or a melodrama, in the final of which heroes got married, could notice a strange thing. To the car, at...

Uber to help: in Moscow and 10 cities of Russia will be able to transfer things to charity

Uber to help: in Moscow and 10 cities of Russia will be able to transfer things to charity
How long have you been going to spend a big spring cleaning? New summer dresses fall out of the closet, because there is a fur coat, wetsuit and something...