Articles #39

12 proven tips, how to warm up in cold weather

12 proven tips, how to warm up in cold weather
Now in the street Winter, and sometimes I do not want to even leave the house on the street. And the apartment does not always please the heating, and...

What to do if you fell in love and guy gay

What to do if you fell in love and guy gay
What guys dream girls dreams? Of course, about gentle, loving, charming, cheerful, cute. Listed the qualities of the perfect man can be infinity. And...

5 things about which you need to know before going to China for the first time

5 things about which you need to know before going to China for the first time
Travels are one of those things that look very fun and tempting in theory, but when it comes to practice, a lot of problems is found. For example, if...

10 unusual Chinese medical procedures and their effect

10 unusual Chinese medical procedures and their effect
Chinese medicine exists for a very long time. Systematic records of teaching methods first appeared in China in the II century BC. Since then, hundreds...

10 Russian comedies who should see everyone

10 Russian comedies who should see everyone
Quotes from old film sedavrov can be communicated infinitely, but the soul and brain periodically ask for something more than fresh. But as you look...

Test Europe: How Yaroslav Wise Daughters got married

Test Europe: How Yaroslav Wise Daughters got married
One of the ways to search for reliable allies and the formation of strong international relations at all times, dynastic marriages were considered....

5 main myths about skin aging

5 main myths about skin aging
Probably, in no area of ​​medicine, so many myths do not hide as in the section of cosmetology. How reliable they are and should they believe them?...

7 Casual habits that spoil the skin

7 Casual habits that spoil the skin
Winter and autumn is not the most favorite time for the skin. During this period, a whole flurry of tests is collapsed on it - frosts, strong cold winds...

5 proven skin care tips in the summer

5 proven skin care tips in the summer
Summer will come soon with all the accompanying joys of life. Sun, beach, picnics, parks, lazy days by the pool ... as well as sweat, 3Zar, scored pores...

9 myths about skin care in which many continue to believe

9 myths about skin care in which many continue to believe
In the conditions of permanent hype with respect to the appearance of all new "necessary" cosmetic products, anti-aging procedures and skin care councils,...

How to use coconut oil for hair beauty

How to use coconut oil for hair beauty
Hair loss can cause fair nerves to women. And sometimes this process becomes uncontrollable, which leads to more and more stress. There are various...

How Kokoshnik appeared in Russia: the headdress of Russian beauties

How Kokoshnik appeared in Russia: the headdress of Russian beauties
In the time of ancient Russia, a woman could not be shown with a uncoated head not only on the street, but even at home. It was believed that a married...

Dramatic love story of the love of the queen-virgin Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley

Dramatic love story of the love of the queen-virgin Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley
The Queen of England Elizabeth I (rules from 1558 to 1603), as is known, was never married, steadyly kept his chastity and bluled his reputation. Since...

How to make a fruit mask, after which the skin shines

How to make a fruit mask, after which the skin shines
Fruits are replete with nutrients and antioxidants, which are very useful for the skin. Fruits can help achieve really shining and healthy skin, and...

How to understand that the relationship has become toxic and it's time to get rid of them

How to understand that the relationship has become toxic and it's time to get rid of them
In healthy relations, a person will always find the necessary support, help and salvation, because love inspires not to give up and stubbornly move...