Articles #38

15 fashionable umbrellas, with which they definitely not be unnoticed

15 fashionable umbrellas, with which they definitely not be unnoticed
Although many probably never thought about the design of their personal umbrella, such as it may change when they will see examples of the following...

How to save tooth enamel: councils from dentists

How to save tooth enamel: councils from dentists
Dental enamel is the thinnest outer layer of the teeth and the most solid tissue of the human body that protects the teeth from various damage. It is...

5 most common myths about the health of the teeth

5 most common myths about the health of the teeth
No one is secret that many people are afraid to treat their teeth. For example, 12 percent of adults in the United States argue that when they need...

5 rules for the care of the oral cavity that you need to know all

5 rules for the care of the oral cavity that you need to know all
Care of the oral cavity is important at any age. But when a person becomes older, disregarding the health of his teeth and mouth can have more serious...

10 facts about the dentistry of the past, after which will cease to be afraid of the dentists

10 facts about the dentistry of the past, after which will cease to be afraid of the dentists
Tomatology is a relatively modern area of ​​medicine. Although in fact she always existed in one form or another, in the past, the treatment of teeth was...

5 common myths associated with teeth health

5 common myths associated with teeth health
It is not a secret for anyone that almost all people are afraid of dental offices. Moreover, some people are so worried about it because they even prefer...

5 products that are useful for children's teeth

5 products that are useful for children's teeth
Child has many interests, but the concern for your body is clearly not in the first place. This is the concern of parents. If a child is to provide...

15 almost ingenious ideas than to take a child if it rains on the street

15 almost ingenious ideas than to take a child if it rains on the street
The bad weather or a cold forced to publish the house from boredom? We will tell you what to do to the games of lovely kids did not leave an apartment...

Face Care: Maximum Program for Each Lady

Face Care: Maximum Program for Each Lady
If the skin is healthy and smooth, then even without makeup, a woman looks beautiful and well-groomed. And so that it was so, the condition of your...

Arsenic for bbw, enema of smoke and other procedures that treated our ancestors

Arsenic for bbw, enema of smoke and other procedures that treated our ancestors
Today, the variety of proposals in the medical centers seems to be scattered. And everyone promises endless youth and good health. But the sake of fairness...

5 proven ways to cope with the desire to eat sweet

5 proven ways to cope with the desire to eat sweet
2. Our body can not live without sweet, even meaties sometimes love to pamper themselves. That's just addiction to sweet does not bring the body any benefit...

5 tricks with which the refrigerator helps to lose weight

5 tricks with which the refrigerator helps to lose weight
In the process of slimming, the refrigerator can act as an assistant, and as a pest. And what exactly to it will turn out to be - depends on you. For...

Yagoda-Malina: Why it should be included in his diet, even if in the yard is not summer

Yagoda-Malina: Why it should be included in his diet, even if in the yard is not summer
Who does not love raspberry, as fresh and frozen?! These berries are not just delicious, they are also very useful for health and beauty. So, what benefit...

8 professional makeup advice

8 professional makeup advice
Winter comes and people fall on long three months to change their habits - in behavior, in clothing, and even in make-up. To look at all 100 in winter,...

Fashion skirts 2020: what to wear this spring

Fashion skirts 2020: what to wear this spring
Women and girls always wish to look beautiful and male attention, and therefore they do not refuse to wear skirts even in the winter months. Stylists...