Articles #33

Methods for the development of intuition: how to learn to predict events

Methods for the development of intuition: how to learn to predict events
In life, there are often situations when it is very difficult to make a choice. Every woman wants her choice to bring a certain result, that's just...

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs

The interesting thing to occupy a child's houses instead of computer games and TVs
There are a lot of wonderful things that can be done at home with a child when it is impossible to go outside. And yes, we are not talking about watching...

7 famous actresses that have become moms after 40

7 famous actresses that have become moms after 40
The so-called "Late Mommy" boom began in the United States in the 1990s. And then the Russians have pulled themselves. As a result, the number of women...

Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked

Antonio Gaudi: the most mysterious architect in history that wonders worked
We often hear about ingenious musicians, writers, poets. With regard to architecture, the word "brilliant" is used much less frequently. Perhaps because...

5 Legends of Georgia that need to know before going there

5 Legends of Georgia that need to know before going there
Georgia is one of the oldest countries that is famous for its beauty, hospitality and delicious cuisine. Not for nothing This mountainous edge travelers...

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya: love at first sight and for life

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya: love at first sight and for life
It is believed that love at first glance is not long. Broke out, grown and went out. But the history of the love of Primaudonna Galina Vishnevskaya...

Stylish loneliness with his alter-ego: the Japanese model takes pictures of himself and his puppet

Stylish loneliness with his alter-ego: the Japanese model takes pictures of himself and his puppet
About the dolls can be said infinitely long. They often become a subject of discussion for any other reasons. Some dislikes human-like toys because...

Kamasutra for married children. It was worth warning in advance!

Kamasutra for married children. It was worth warning in advance!
Writer Simon Rich and artist Farley Katz found out that in marriage people master new, unprecedented Kama Sutra poses, and shared their discovery with...

Fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy

Fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy
These nine months can be the most difficult period for any woman. Although doctors usually recommend that there is more fruit as possible, it is worth...

15 interesting facts that radically change the idea of ​​pregnancy

15 interesting facts that radically change the idea of ​​pregnancy
Despite the fact that most people never recognize what is "to be pregnant" (given that about half of the population - men, and not all women are "hardened"...

Pregnant in full: Mom from Copenhagen shares experience, what it is - wearing three children under the Head

Pregnant in full: Mom from Copenhagen shares experience, what it is - wearing three children under the Head
When Maria and her husband Anders walked on an ultrasound to learn the floor of his future child, they expected only two options, and they found out...

What women look like who became legitimate wives of the world's richest men

What women look like who became legitimate wives of the world's richest men
It makes it possible that very rich people are married only on long-legged models, which in the morning until night drive on luxury supercars in beauty...

What to survive if mom is successful businesswoman

What to survive if mom is successful businesswoman
Your mother is a successful and well-paid specialist. Or she at all appoints himself a salary. And you - her eternal subordinate. Say out somehow sorry....

Scientists find out when blondes appeared and what it was connected with

Scientists find out when blondes appeared and what it was connected with
As you know, a number of men prefer blondes. But only recently scientists find out that the cave people considered the same way. Although in modern...

10 little-known facts about Berlin Wall

10 little-known facts about Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was one of the symbols of the Cold War. In East Germany, she was called "Die Anti-Faschistischer Schutzwall" ("Anti-Fascist Protective...