Articles #316

Summer city fashion, or how to undress right

Summer city fashion, or how to undress right
Even in the hottest days it is important to remember that you are not on the beach, but on the city summer streets, which, by the way, sometimes really...

28 valuable tips from women who were able to reset almost 50 kg

28 valuable tips from women who were able to reset almost 50 kg
Many people are trying to reset a kilogram or two, but half antenna ... is it really possible. In fact, it is a real feat that will turn out not one month...

What animals become like men, when everything is bad

What animals become like men, when everything is bad
This in the usual circumstances, human men belong to the form "Homo Sapires". In the circumstances, unexpectedly complex, they sometimes begin to belong...

10 examples, how not to do anything and get salary for it

10 examples, how not to do anything and get salary for it
Everyone ever dreamed to pay him for the fact that he did nothing. For example, to sit at work and read books or surfing on the Internet, how much the...

What is the secret of the ladies' handbags from Chanel

What is the secret of the ladies' handbags from Chanel
The great Madmoiselle Coco was not only a talented designer and a stunning woman. She was exactly the person who did so much so that the women of the...

Real Princesses of the XXI Century - what are they

Real Princesses of the XXI Century - what are they
It seems that the era of the princes and the princesses have long passed? And here is not! There are quite a large number of active monarchies in the...

20 products that can be eaten and not fat

20 products that can be eaten and not fat
Mostly, the advice of people sitting on a diet are that you need to eat until you are fed. Naturally, this does not mean that it is necessary to ride...

What advantages are in low self-esteem: everything is not so bad

What advantages are in low self-esteem: everything is not so bad
If you believe psychologists, then understated self-esteem is the main sore of humanity. She is terrible than the AIDS virus, from her all the problems...

8 good reasons to arrange a quarrel with a loved one

8 good reasons to arrange a quarrel with a loved one
Psychologists argue that family quarrels are quite useful. They, they say, allow you to remove emotional slags and, rather, contribute to the strengthening...

Is corn useful: 6 advantages that everyone should know

Is corn useful: 6 advantages that everyone should know
Many people snack during the day. What could be better than something delicious and useful, and one of these options is corn. This is a popular snack that...

6 health risks threatens to drink soda

6 health risks threatens to drink soda
Who does not like Kola or any other sweet soda. At the same time, few people think that the sugar added to it is dangerous for health, and can "strike"...

5 Makeup errors that give the provincial

5 Makeup errors that give the provincial
It is now difficult to meet a woman who would not use makeup, that's just not everyone uses cosmetics correctly. In this article, consider 5 major mistakes...

Why not get involved in the most fashionable fasting keto system

Why not get involved in the most fashionable fasting keto system
To date, the majority probably have already heard of a ketogenic diet, also known as the "keto diet". Although it may have become popular only recently,...

10 films that every woman should see

10 films that every woman should see
Some films we are ready to review several times in a row, others make us seriously think about it, and others are selected for a special mood. Beautiful...

What was the oldest advertisement in history

What was the oldest advertisement in history
The XXI century passes under the sign of advertising. She became so omnipresent that today it is easily forgotten that there was once a time when it...