Articles #314

Why does a woman suffer violence in relationships?

Why does a woman suffer violence in relationships?
Quite often we come across the situation when everything seemed to begin well. Relationships were like a fairy tale, romance and all that. But the transition...

Elderly parents or children: who needs to pay more attention?

Elderly parents or children: who needs to pay more attention?
With the birth of your own children, the interests of even the best parents depart into the background. The child becomes the whole universe, with its...

5 ways to say "yes" weight loss

5 ways to say "yes" weight loss
Many dream with overweight. And the big half of those who have been smelted by enthusiasm yesterday, surrendered at the first stage of the distance,...

10 spiritual films that warm in the autumn weekend

10 spiritual films that warm in the autumn weekend
Even the most avid extrovert in the soul a little introvert, which sometimes I want to just sit at home, wrapped in a warm plaid with a cup of fragrant...

15 films that will help to become a 100 percent woman

15 films that will help to become a 100 percent woman
In the following selection of film, a variety of women are divided with other experiences, secrets, difficulties and unrest. Every representative of...

10 most unusual beauty standards in the world

10 most unusual beauty standards in the world
From time immemorial, men and women to attract each other, decorated their face and body using nature resources and their imagination. And if in Western...

How easy to wake up in the morning and feel good all day

How easy to wake up in the morning and feel good all day
Starting from the fall, when the light day becomes shorter, it is becoming increasingly difficult to climb from bed in the morning. To even cloudy...

Where are the Treasures of Ballerina Matilda Kshesin

Where are the Treasures of Ballerina Matilda Kshesin
The hidden treasures of Kshesin's enthusiasts-search engines have already wanted to find certainly for more than a century. Matilda was close to the...

11 films about love that has turned into obsession

11 films about love that has turned into obsession
Not every love carries in itself airiness and innocence - sometimes simple love turns into a destructive fire that destroys all love, and sometimes...

As a woman must behave for a man afraid to lose her

As a woman must behave for a man afraid to lose her
Having encountered her man, every woman wants him to be near always, and so that there was no thoughts about the care in his head. In fact, it is not...

True on the intimate relations of the elderly

True on the intimate relations of the elderly
Intimate relationships are an important element of the life of every person at any age. However, there was an opinion in society that Intimate is the...

Research: Women and Men perceive the world in different ways

Research: Women and Men perceive the world in different ways
Researchers from the Washington University, which is located in Seattle, assure that the female response to movements is much worse than men. They came...

17 things that no one tell about horror films

17 things that no one tell about horror films
Horror films love many people. Some find them funny, others simply love adrenaline. But what actually happens behind the scenes of films that everyone...

6 good reasons for each woman need a consiler

6 good reasons for each woman need a consiler
It may seem strange, but there are still those who have no concept of consilet. But even those who know, not everyone knows how to use it or do it wrong....

The strangest diets who came up with people

The strangest diets who came up with people
At different periods of time, people sought to lose weight, but not always for this they were picked up normal and healthy ways. The story knows a lot...