Articles #310

Simple and funny ideas for the decoration of Easter eggs

Simple and funny ideas for the decoration of Easter eggs
Make your Easter table in unique! Eggs can not only paint, but also shook with color scotch, sparkles, rhinestones or decoupage patterns. We collected...

Attention! Friday cat plush lost a ball!

Attention! Friday cat plush lost a ball!
To begin with, we want to please. Briton of the Lavrentine, whom the evil grandmother offended, was saved. We have once again made sure that Picca has...

Looking the "fashionable sentence", Vedas for women and all about Lena: the best per week on

Looking the "fashionable sentence", Vedas for women and all about Lena: the best per week on
Sunday evening - the best time to read. Especially if something interesting missed the week. Our Sunday Digest will help learn whether you've seen all...

20 excellent postcards with tips for every day

20 excellent postcards with tips for every day
The bad is the female magazine that does not accommodate deep advice on any occasions. We decided not to be fools and made a very visual selection. Enjoy! ...

Rusta autumn! Very funny story about the fight against harvest

Rusta autumn! Very funny story about the fight against harvest
Pics.Ru believes that Ira Zverev absolutely truthfully described the state of our cuisines, balconies and organisms in September. At a minimum after...

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU
October continues, autumn exacerbation is gaining momentum, but the editorial office of does not give up and continues to sow intelligent, kind,...

SHEFSHAUEN - Dazzling blue city under the sun

SHEFSHAUEN - Dazzling blue city under the sun
Shefshauen is a city in Morocco, which, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, they moved from Spain Jew Sefard. They believed that blue was the color...

10 tips for beginner robbers from Great Hudini

10 tips for beginner robbers from Great Hudini
In the life of the famous Focussary Gudini, there was a lot of secrets, so he died under mysterious circumstances, on the night of Halloween. We remembered...

Dance and cheerful! Digest

Dance and cheerful! Digest
Hi and good day!We watched articles over the past week and gathered those that we especially want to share with you and for which it would be especially...

Chest, Plumbing and Psycho: Digest Reclosures on

Chest, Plumbing and Psycho: Digest Reclosures on
Good Sunday evening!While you discharge the faithful plaid and charge a cup of tea, Pics.Ru is proud to present the most clear texts of the week. We do...

Cheater twenty-first century. Real story

Cheater twenty-first century. Real story
This story was sent by readers. We checked the data and were convinced - it is necessary to give the case to publicate. Be careful! Even receipts and...

Project of the week on BoomStarter: Book "Living Legends"

Project of the week on BoomStarter: Book "Living Legends"
We promised to tell you about the most classroom maiden projects on BoomStarter. The word is kept. This week, we have been supporting Margarita Figinne...

Wittgenstein at school: can a genius be a teacher

Wittgenstein at school: can a genius be a teacher
Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, has been working for a rural teacher in elementary school for six...

"Batmobile": not bits, not painted, 550 mares. In good rich hands!

"Batmobile": not bits, not painted, 550 mares. In good rich hands!
An advertisement for the sale of Batmobile from Tim Burton in 1989 has appeared on one of the road Runet's automotive sites. The price of the question...

"Every terrorist attack I recognize about, happens a little with me"

"Every terrorist attack I recognize about, happens a little with me"
The terrorist attack is very scary. It's terrible to know that you are no longer safe, to know that tomorrow it can happen anywhere, including next...