Articles #275

Pieces that really need mothers (in fact, no)

Pieces that really need mothers (in fact, no)
The closer the maternity hospital, the higher the degree of consumer madness. And then there is also the entire Internet chorus in the chorus: you do...

# Scientist: Sun lose weight

# Scientist: Sun lose weight
The latest information from scientists about the sun is what: even if we take into account that ultraviolet causes skin cancer, the overall health of the...

# Scientist: Sugar substitutes cause diabetes

# Scientist: Sugar substitutes cause diabetes
Artificial sugar substitutes really help to reduce the total number of calorie consumed, but they increase the risk of the development of the 2nd type...

Sudden experience: how the Corgi Masyan bathing season in Moscow opened. In March

Sudden experience: how the Corgi Masyan bathing season in Moscow opened. In March
And the week did not pass, as I decided to tell you about my collapse of the preservice of the trainer and Hundefürera (which is generally the same, but...

10 ridiculous myths about women

10 ridiculous myths about women
Damn him knows why women are surrounded by so the number of myths. Some are invented by men - to make a woman obey. Some have come up with themselves,...

Start the day tasty. Breakfast peace in your plate!

Start the day tasty. Breakfast peace in your plate!
Most Russians on weekdays have no time to think that to eat for breakfast. One of the most popular breakfasts in large cities is a coffee sandwich....

You will not believe, but these people are one age!

You will not believe, but these people are one age!
Age is a conditional concept. This confirms our selection. And proves that peers may look very different. Sylvester Stallone and Stephen Spielberg (1946...

15 coolest and mimic pets

15 coolest and mimic pets
Future owners of any pets before you have someone - whipping all the Internet in search of useful articles. To facilitate their fate, we collected fifteen...

When everyone for himself. Scientists calculated the share of "gentlemen" in 18 great shipwrecks

When everyone for himself. Scientists calculated the share of "gentlemen" in 18 great shipwrecks
Swedish researchers Mikael Elyinder and Oscar Erickson decided to check how historically worked the rule of rescue on the sea "Women and Children were...

7 books that should not get into your hands your child. And it is not "lolita"

7 books that should not get into your hands your child. And it is not "lolita"
Of course, this does not apply to children who already choose themselves to read. Caught the twenty-year-old son with Tomikomik Henry Miller or there...

Moms are important! 9 family films in which they did not kill mom

Moms are important! 9 family films in which they did not kill mom
For some reason, the creators of family, christmas and near-tree films are scary not fond of mothers: often the main characters have no mother, or its...

"Big game" in cinemas from April 16

"Big game" in cinemas from April 16
[YouTube id = "kotgzuowsu4" Mode = "Normal" AutoPlay = "No"] "Big Game" - a bright, dynamic, comedy-parody action-fighter, who tells the story of a timid...

Internet in your life: expectations vs reality. In 15 pictures

Internet in your life: expectations vs reality. In 15 pictures
Internet everywhere, the Internet facilitates our lives. But not always the way we imagined it.1 internet at the hotel 2 internet in the country 3...

How Pilun Car Manufacturers spoiled for women's safety

How Pilun Car Manufacturers spoiled for women's safety
They fastened - survived, lazy - flew ... But not everything is so simple! If you are a woman, it's like to fly on to the clan.Dangerous at any speedSafety...

10 neighbors who are found in each entrance

10 neighbors who are found in each entrance
Favorite city can sleep well - by the will of the case, all Friki, savage pests and urban crazy gathered in one place. In your stairwell.Elephant man You...