Articles #265

10 life quotes from Sylvester Stallone

10 life quotes from Sylvester Stallone
Today, July 6, Sylvester Stallone celebrates its 69th birthday. Well, we note with him. God forbid everyone, of course, look like this. We made ten motivators...

Self-defense: the wildest cases of exploits and glory

Self-defense: the wildest cases of exploits and glory
To protect yourself and neighbor, need power, courage and special means. But sometimes other factors are connected - for example, dementia and courage,...

Love "Narcissa": happiness or punishment?

Love "Narcissa": happiness or punishment?
We all love read clever books and articles. Especially those telling us about loved ones. And every time we try to apply tips in practice, without thinking...

Renata Litvinova about himself, about movies and dreams

Renata Litvinova about himself, about movies and dreams
January 12th birthday in excellent actress, director, writer and artist Renata Litvinova. PICS.RU is recognized in love Renate Muratov and publishes her...

Real problems of extroverts. Everything is not as good as you think

Real problems of extroverts. Everything is not as good as you think
Recent years, introverts have become in the Internet of a kind of cats: the network is full of benefits on how it is properly and delicately scratch them...

10 cool Russian books in Gorror genre

10 cool Russian books in Gorror genre
Not everyone knows that in rich Russian literature is generally represented by Gorror genre. And those who know often relate to it skeptical. But PICS.RU...

12 thoughts that prevent us from living

12 thoughts that prevent us from living
Sometimes there is nothing about anything from happiness from happiness - somewhat very stupid thoughts, to which we return again and again. These thoughts...

15 phrases that can not speak if your friend is depressed

15 phrases that can not speak if your friend is depressed
Depression is not just a bad mood, as it is customary, and quite a good reason for meeting with a psychotherapist. Alas, a psychotherapist is "expensive,...

Photos of ghosts and their exposure

Photos of ghosts and their exposure
On the network walks a lot of photographic creation "with ghosts". The earliest of these pictures made a sensation in the 19th century, but in our time,...

20 things that should be able to do your man, otherwise it is a shade

20 things that should be able to do your man, otherwise it is a shade
To distinguish the Heine from Nietzsche, put the origami and punch the three-point - the skills are useful, but optional. But these 20 points your man...

Piano in the bushes: how Tolkien would write about him, Vonnegut or Nietzsche

Piano in the bushes: how Tolkien would write about him, Vonnegut or Nietzsche
Once, LiveJournal users decided to imagine what happened if the famous writers used the classic "piano in the bushes" method in their works. That's what...

16 harmless situations in which you for some reason you feel very awkward

16 harmless situations in which you for some reason you feel very awkward
Each of us at least once in life had to worry because of the spread lightning on trousers, multicolored socks or in-shifted from T-shirts. But we are not...

How to miss less in the summer?

How to miss less in the summer?
Yes, yes, all these snowflakes, ice patterns and "vigorous morning frost" is very cool. But, honestly, something tells us that if the winter "turned off"...

10 children's characters who want to kill

10 children's characters who want to kill
The best nerve simulator is not a traffic jam at one and a half kilometers from the office. And not even a boss during the spring gon. These are small...

Friday seals: Professor

Friday seals: Professor
First, cheers!In a friendly cat shelter, after the new year, there was not a single little mimic kitten left - you, our dear readers, all dismantled. This,...