Articles #26

25 signs that graduation succeeded

25 signs that graduation succeeded
Graduation already on the nose. And soon they will begin to thunder along the parallels and meridians. And adult seventeen-year-old people are fighting...

Lucifer, Tagil and Viagra. 10 of the most strange names for children

Lucifer, Tagil and Viagra. 10 of the most strange names for children
In the Soviet Union, ideologically savvy citizens called children with an eye on the imminent onset of communism. In fashion there were such names as...

How to identify a real lady? 30 precise and fine definitions from the Great

How to identify a real lady? 30 precise and fine definitions from the Great
Bernard ShowA real woman prefers to own one share from a hundred on a first-class man, and not the whole package of shares on a bad one.Paul ValerieThe...

Twenty-five best quotes from Ray Bradbury

Twenty-five best quotes from Ray Bradbury
Ray Bradbury is one of the greatest science writers of our time. Bradbury's worlds magic, astronauts brave, blasters are accurate, and Mciana Muckly and...

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+)

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+)
For some reason, it seems to us that the most fun and fascinating part of the work of doctors is to extract objects from the rectum of citizens. At least,...

10 reasons to hate Muscovites

10 reasons to hate Muscovites
Muscovites were lit.Everyone who poned (or aspiring) believes that no one works in Moscow. Muscovite comes in the morning to the office on his Maybach...

Victoria Beckham wrote a letter to himself. 18 years old

Victoria Beckham wrote a letter to himself. 18 years old
It is not about to argue here: Victoria Beckham after the collapse of the girl's Band SPICE GIRLS has beyond all. She remained afloat media popularity...

14 main films about love and age difference

14 main films about love and age difference
We still told all Pushkin to one great feeling about all the time, but the cinema does not remain in debt, the directors take off and remove films about...

15 women's problems that look younger than their age

15 women's problems that look younger than their age
Despite the fact that advertising convinces us that the lady is extremely preferably even at a reasonable age to look an innocent eight-grader, in women...

Intimate Hygiene - Simple Health Rules

Intimate Hygiene - Simple Health Rules
The topic of intimate hygiene is very delicate. Usually everyone is trying to not affect it. Even moms are sometimes shyful to tell about it with their...

Overcoming post-year year syndrome

Overcoming post-year year syndrome
The problem of large-scale holidays is that sooner or later you stop celebrating. Rather, that you stop celebrating too late. That is, one evening can...

19 simple ideas for home games with children

19 simple ideas for home games with children
Long winter evenings, actually, the best time, especially if the whole family is played, as it should! There is no need to buy anything special: for rampant...

10 simple magic techniques for children's creativity

10 simple magic techniques for children's creativity
1. Monotypia Essence: Print paint on paper with a smooth surface. What do you need: A piece of glass or tiles, paper, watercolor, soft brushes, water....

Failure of the century: "How I configured the coffee maker"

Failure of the century: "How I configured the coffee maker"
For my birthday, I gave a lot of useful gifts. Here you and liter enema, and I do not remember strange alcohol from the overgrown, but I was told that...

Contests of the beauty of the last century: 15 very strange photos

Contests of the beauty of the last century: 15 very strange photos
It is now beauty contests are divided into two categories - dull and predictable. Whether it's about the good old days! Bags on the head, Sausage Queens,...