Articles #255

What you can not talk to a woman after 30

What you can not talk to a woman after 30
After 30 years no, everyone knows. Have you seen a lot of women older than 30? Once or two and turned around. Babele in bulk, and with ladies tens....

For a couple of words: 6 reasons why it is useful to talk with yourself

For a couple of words: 6 reasons why it is useful to talk with yourself
The habit of molding under the nose is not a sign that you are a person with quirks. It is useful from all sides. Scientists confirm that conversations...

Poned: How Local communicate with tourists

Poned: How Local communicate with tourists
From articles about travel, we can conclude that the world is populated by solid cherubs. Wherever I spit, local generies, miles, patient, and will meet...

Travel in the footsteps of adventurers. Five cities of famous deceivers

Travel in the footsteps of adventurers. Five cities of famous deceivers
Palace halls, art galleries, squares and parks Today, tourists are frozen, frozen, as if not alive. And once the intrigue was tangled here, blood was shed,...

8 things that only understand the mother, nursing baby breasts

8 things that only understand the mother, nursing baby breasts
Breastfeeding is promoted from each iron, however, in communities for pregnant women worry about choosing a maternity hospital, a doctor and the color...

10 reasons to change the image. Right now

10 reasons to change the image. Right now
This is only a Christmas tree in winter and in summer in one color. All lively changeable, so also do not hang for a long time in the same image. The...

Oh, yesterday was! 11 sms girls who have walked well from the evening

Oh, yesterday was! 11 sms girls who have walked well from the evening
In the evening Friday, taking off with girlfriends, remember - tomorrow it may be quite unexpected Monday! Author of SMS...

Varya burn-2. Summer holidays of one little girl

Varya burn-2. Summer holidays of one little girl
Summer is a small life, and it is necessary to live so that everyone around was joyful. It seems that it is such a motto of a little Warm, the daughters...

If superheroes were filmed in Indian Cinema

If superheroes were filmed in Indian Cinema
Everything that explodes Hollywood immediately appears in Bollywood. If the screens of the western world are filled with the cult heroes of the comic,...

Freaks of neminiga: where did the mysterious names of the brands come from

Freaks of neminiga: where did the mysterious names of the brands come from
What is common in apples and computers, combat aircraft and cream, "books of change" and powder? We think about nothing. But some find a connection...

Instructions in comics: how to make sure about someone small and sad

Instructions in comics: how to make sure about someone small and sad
Unknown artist (or artist?) Drew a very accurate instruction that you can and need to do, finding a small junior nearby. Translation:...

Sarah Gertz - model with Elessa-Danlos syndrome

Sarah Gertz - model with Elessa-Danlos syndrome
The diagnosis of "dermatosparaksis" Sarah Gertz was set when she was 10 years old. With dermatosparaxis or, differently, with Elex syndrome - Dunlosa,...

Girl burns, mom writes. Real posts from Facebook

Girl burns, mom writes. Real posts from Facebook
Poets are designed to chant. Poet Ekaterina Mikhailova, for example, chants his daughter. Posts in Facebook. Each post is just a ready-made Limerick,...

7 signs that you grandmother granddaughter

7 signs that you grandmother granddaughter
There are mother's mamines, there are papins of princesses. And there are candy babushkina, and here are seven signs, for which it is clear that you...

15 things that do not speak to your friends to polyamoras and people "in free relationship"

15 things that do not speak to your friends to polyamoras and people "in free relationship"
This also gets for obvious reasons. How so?! They sleep with whom they want, at the same time call each other a couple, can even be married and grow...