Articles #246

Designer snowflakes with Darth Vader at the expense of one-two or three!

Designer snowflakes with Darth Vader at the expense of one-two or three!
Original paper snowflakes from the British designer - quickly, just, just for you!Designer and blogger Anthony Errera - a noble cub and a thought. For...

"In the heart of Bogatago, man knocking the moloto to marry me"

"In the heart of Bogatago, man knocking the moloto to marry me"
Do you think of people a hundred years ago somehow solved the problem of loneliness solved? And here is not. Love will not find herself. In public newspaper...

What is common with you, your relationship and dead raccoon?

What is common with you, your relationship and dead raccoon?
Adrian Izh is dealt with for us with the theory of dead raccoon. Remember the demotivator: "Eee ... Why do I need a dead raccoon? I'm so flirting! "?...

6 facts about your playlist VKontakte

6 facts about your playlist VKontakte
Previously, it was possible to calculate the character of the girl by what her handbag takes with him on a date, now you can guess on its playlist.At least...

Children's holiday or recipe for happiness

Children's holiday or recipe for happiness
Some believe that children are themselves happiness. But scientists do not believe in it. But to experience a sharp feeling of happiness in the presence...

Masha is not a fool?! Or how to apologize without an apology

Masha is not a fool?! Or how to apologize without an apology
Maybe we offended someone in vain? Calendar will close this sheet!There is a wonderful word in English, which is not available in great and mighty -...

6 plagiarism films unfriendly borrowed from friendly peoples

6 plagiarism films unfriendly borrowed from friendly peoples
There are people who are more successful when they steal than when creating their own. What is particularly striking, there are people who manage to stole...

20 photos that violate the most stupid US laws

20 photos that violate the most stupid US laws
In the US, laws are very different in different states. In many, absurd and absolutely anachronic rules are still preserved. Photographer Olivia Locher...

Scientists: The descendants of the hunger moved prone to a set of excess weight

Scientists: The descendants of the hunger moved prone to a set of excess weight
Hunger is never the story of one generation. For many years and decades, hunger, transferred by the whole people, changes everything. First of all - food...

You can no longer extract a smile: scientists allowed!

You can no longer extract a smile: scientists allowed!
You can no longer worry because you are not able to constantly press Lybu and regularly ask you: "What is so gloomy? What are you unhappy now?! "Scientists...

5 cases when we think it's about beauty, and this is about health

5 cases when we think it's about beauty, and this is about health
Many care practices are served in the key of supporting beauty so often that we forget that in fact we are in the first place about our health.And on the...

Books that everyone knows, but no one finances

Books that everyone knows, but no one finances
People who have had no twitter created an immortal classic. People who have twitter have created meme "Niasilyl, MultoBukaf".Do not know who is a Mephistophelle...

27 photopruffs that all people are works of art

27 photopruffs that all people are works of art
In case, if you suddenly laughed in our uniqueness and originality of external data, if suddenly thought sinful things that my face is bored and uninteresting,...

Sit down, rest: 5 excuses of laziness

Sit down, rest: 5 excuses of laziness
You are not preparing anything more difficult than sandwiches, turn the exercise bike in the fraternal grave of dirty T-shirts and is ready for any...

Women's happiness, or what do women really want

Women's happiness, or what do women really want
If you believe movies, women for happiness need a shopping and donated necklace. If advertising is a good detergent. And we asked a few dozen real living...