Articles #242

Read in the eyes: how the movements of pupils give us away

Read in the eyes: how the movements of pupils give us away
You can smile to smile or build an offended chicken ruin on the face, but if we cope with the control of the facial expressions, we can hardly affect...

8 causes of mortal fatigue

8 causes of mortal fatigue
Many women face that they have no strength left for a solution to some minor questions. For the most part, they believe that the main reason for such...

9 office rules that save your reputation

9 office rules that save your reputation
In each office there are their own rules that no one has compiled and did not sign, but at the same time they are trying to adhere to them. A new person...

How to work without leaving home and keep mental health

How to work without leaving home and keep mental health
It only seems that the work of the house is a complete lafa, you want - Havwa eat, you want - gingerbread. In fact, one day you find yourself at three...

9 reasons to see new "Star Wars"

9 reasons to see new "Star Wars"
On December 14, one of the most long-awaited films of recent times is coming out in Russian rental - "Star Wars: Last Jedies." We collected 9 reasons...

16 stories about wedding guests, after which you will understand that this is a holiday for two

16 stories about wedding guests, after which you will understand that this is a holiday for two
Why do everyone love other people's weddings, and they are afraid? Yeah, because in someone else you can do what you want, but on your own already everything...

Survival School: how to read the Fritrent and do not go crazy against anxiety

Survival School: how to read the Fritrent and do not go crazy against anxiety
In Iraq, nine-year-old girls in sexual slavery are captured, in Syria and in the Donbass, peaceful residents are dying, terrorists explode airplanes...

37 shots from surveillance cameras on which animals are such fools

37 shots from surveillance cameras on which animals are such fools
Now this time, even in the forest will not calmly leave. Everywhere cameras. Everywhere observed. Poor Enotics, deer, wolves and bears. How do they do...

You scare me: Types of men from which we have goosebumps

You scare me: Types of men from which we have goosebumps
In the bad sense of goosebumps. With boring boring, everything is clear and predictable with Picapers, but I want to run away from some, losing galoshes...

Psychopathy - Myths and Facts

Psychopathy - Myths and Facts
At the middle person a rather defined image of a psychopath in the head: He, Khokhach, then makes dangerous things, then kills people.In life, as usual,...

9 nightmares (socially) clumsy people. In gifs!

9 nightmares (socially) clumsy people. In gifs!
You are from those who do not climb those in the pocket, and if it climbs, then will the whole dictionary find there in five volumes? Of those who never...

Romance? What is it? We asked live real women

Romance? What is it? We asked live real women
Many women want romance. Many men are not very away to arrange their women how much romantics need! It would be possible to figure out what it is.We interviewed...

How to recognize toxic friendship: 5 explicit signs

How to recognize toxic friendship: 5 explicit signs
Not only romantic relationships can poison life, which at some point they got off the rail and rolled somewhere not there. Friendship is also a toxic...

8 reasons why men offer to marry at the first meeting

8 reasons why men offer to marry at the first meeting
There are such men in their lives, who barely managed to introduce themselves, and they already offer their hand and heart. What makes you behave an adult...

It infuriates! And scientists know why

It infuriates! And scientists know why
We in very much love scientists. At least for sometimes they are distracted by the collider and the human genome and are taken for something...