Articles #240

Euthanasia - a serious question

Euthanasia - a serious question
We, in Russia, with this in no way from the word absolutely. Even passive euthanasia is officially prohibited, although it is she has a very wide walking....

Miscelred at all. About teenagers who drink, and parents who beat

Miscelred at all. About teenagers who drink, and parents who beat
Does not eat anything - it consists in this stupid group "Ana", they praise there, as they did not eat anything today. Drinks, smokes, Mat swears, all...

10 nightmares of adolescent age with which all parents will encounter

10 nightmares of adolescent age with which all parents will encounter
Great time - youth. The first dates, the first kisses and all the roads of the world are open. It is likely that we will understand in old age. In the...

Instagram Week: 20 Best Beauty Accounts

Instagram Week: 20 Best Beauty Accounts
What did you do on the weekend? Surely the world saved. Not that we. We truncated in an instagram. We present to your attention a generous catch - 20 accounts...

What happens to the gote teenagers when they grow up. Conclusions of scientists

What happens to the gote teenagers when they grow up. Conclusions of scientists
For most foreign people, belonging to Goths or any other subculture is similar to life in a fairy tale - unusual clothes, an unusual pastime. And at a...

12 Korean films that will surprise you

12 Korean films that will surprise you
Many notice that in Hollywood there is some crisis of the genre, and the viewer's surprise is increasingly trying in special effects, and not a script...

19 legendary dances for which we are grateful to the movie

19 legendary dances for which we are grateful to the movie
There are songs that imprisoned in our overall unconscious; Books that turned the world; Films that changed generations.And we collected the legendary...

13 laid pictures (and phrases) about a gloomy girl inside us

13 laid pictures (and phrases) about a gloomy girl inside us
Russian artist Yuri Kutumeov forever forced the public to love himself, creating a strange girl named Di, just di - the expression of a glorable girl inside...

How to give a woman flowers and do not get on

How to give a woman flowers and do not get on
Paradox. On the one hand, women want to receive flowers as a gift. At least they write so. Even we write so much. On the other hand, come from, so much...

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for "perfect" figures from different countries

# Pophesphotosope: 18 options for "perfect" figures from different countries
"Beauty in the eyes of the looking", well, well. We are all calling themselves modern and free people, we still exist in the world of stereotypes imposed...

21 item that will only understand very tired mothers

21 item that will only understand very tired mothers
The work of the mother 24 hours a day is 7 days a week and 365 days a year, as a rule, quite exhausting. We collected 21 stories about what happened...

Top 10 most idiotic male stamps

Top 10 most idiotic male stamps
No one argues, in the speeches of their every man can be amazing and original. But there are several very epic phrases that have heard almost every woman...

8 pictures about how we usually quarrel. Run, Forest, she is serious!

8 pictures about how we usually quarrel. Run, Forest, she is serious!
Women are unpredictable creatures. It often happens that she has already begun a quarrel, but you still do not guess about it. The scheme below will help...

5 species of self-destructive behavior to which we resort instead of suicide

5 species of self-destructive behavior to which we resort instead of suicide
When something terrible, destroying the soul occurs with us, or when we are just in clinical depression, something inside us really wants us to stop exist....

8 awesome discoveries of British scientists

8 awesome discoveries of British scientists
British scientists do not cease from year to year to amaze the public with their research. For example, nine discoveries committed by them over the past...