Articles #236

5 of the most strange identity changes after brain damage (18+)

5 of the most strange identity changes after brain damage (18+)
We are all ready for the fact that if the disease or injury hurts us the brain, become more stupid or irritable, forgetful or smiling. But some consequences...

# Nakhodnia: Pantyhose with ready pedicure

# Nakhodnia: Pantyhose with ready pedicure
At last. Happened. Someone had to come up with it. The Great Japanese came to the rescue for the help of fellow girls who do not have time for a full-fledged...

Pavel Zygmantovich: All they write about psychosomatics - Fake

Pavel Zygmantovich: All they write about psychosomatics - Fake
The Belarusian practitioner psychologist Pavel Zyggmantovich shocked by the Universal Vera in the psychosomatic basis of diseases. Rather, the fact...

6 pieces that will understand only girls with thin hair

6 pieces that will understand only girls with thin hair
The girls who complain about their hair do not know what they complain about, if not included in the ranks of the unfortunate owners of thin hair.They...

Autumn aggravation: Top 9 Runet Scandals Over the past week

Autumn aggravation: Top 9 Runet Scandals Over the past week
On the fourth week of September we expected, to be honest, the scandals around the past elections and the continuation of the discussion of the new "Mrs....

# Scientist: 3 questions that can predict the future of your novel

# Scientist: 3 questions that can predict the future of your novel
90% of guys who, in the opinion of the application for dating, will make you a great pair, in reality turn out to be horrified by terrible, longing...

5 guaranteed ways to make yourself unhappy

5 guaranteed ways to make yourself unhappy
Something you are too much. We came to this world not for pleasures, you know. However, do not despair - even if you have everything, in general, it...

7 things you got used to not notice and who take away your strength

7 things you got used to not notice and who take away your strength
There are things that literally drink our strength, and we can only be surprised - wherever it goes and why, no matter how planning, do not have time,...

What to do with someone's grief

What to do with someone's grief
Tragedy, even if they occur not with us, they instill horror and confusion. Even if this person is your best friend, you are a chain and just do not...

8 habits from which your anxiety flourishes lush color

8 habits from which your anxiety flourishes lush color
The most innocent habits can turn you into neurotic, which is enough for the ax at every rustle and is afraid to plan life further than before the weekend.If...

9 guys in which you once had a little in love with

9 guys in which you once had a little in love with
Run in memory of your maiden. You had exactly some of these types. It happens just such a period in the life of every girl. There is nothing serious in...

5 books that received a "Russian Booker" that are interested in reading without special training

5 books that received a "Russian Booker" that are interested in reading without special training
On October 9, 1991, the Literary Prize "Russian Booker" was established. We picked up five books that were winners of the award in different years, which...

20 funny speaking animals

20 funny speaking animals
Beasts, in essence, very similar to us, people. And best of all knows the site "Beasts as people" http://zverikakludi.comThe guys made this photo printing...

11 postcards from the girl who hates everyone

11 postcards from the girl who hates everyone
There are days when without shovels do not want to go outside, not in the Internet. We have collected suitable statements. By the way, boys, approximately,...

20 terribly demotivating cards about diet

20 terribly demotivating cards about diet
Little in the world of women who did not succumb to this madness. Today we can only eat carrots! And now only Kurogood and berries goji! And now seven...