Articles #230

5 mistakes in make-up, which deliberately give the provincial in the girl

5 mistakes in make-up, which deliberately give the provincial in the girl
It is now difficult to meet a woman who would not use makeup, that's just not everyone uses cosmetics correctly. In this article, consider 5 major mistakes...

11 habits of happy couples for which they recognize them without error

11 habits of happy couples for which they recognize them without error
Looking for happy couples, do you wonder what their secret? Psychologists revealed 11 major habits that are necessarily present in families of happy...

4 types of people from your past, meeting with which you should avoid

4 types of people from your past, meeting with which you should avoid
The folk wisdom that "old friend is better than new two people know everything. But psychologists are confident that in fact this statement is fairly...

13 strange skills that you get when you nurse children

13 strange skills that you get when you nurse children
Nursing children is not just a test of will and endurance. You acquire a whole panama of important skills. Nobody knows when they can come in handy...

10 focus that regularly do people with tits

10 focus that regularly do people with tits
Someone there on the cloud gave you with magnificent pieces. And even if they grew up with you at 10, you still do not get used to you that you are now...

Why my sons should know about the fact that I was raped - a letter of my mother

Why my sons should know about the fact that I was raped - a letter of my mother
My dear boys, this is an impossible letter, but I hope that love that lies for every word, deeply throws you. I love you - each of you - with all your...

Sweater for chair, body cocoon - and all for heat in the interior

Sweater for chair, body cocoon - and all for heat in the interior
Warming effect - he is in the brain, as we have already definitely proved. But if you add it to the realization of ideas collected by us, then you will...

Louis Si Kay: rules of life without silicone, shine and gmo

Louis Si Kay: rules of life without silicone, shine and gmo
He is a comedian and screenwriter, director and producer, he has "Emmy" and "Grammy" - and also the brain in the head, and a sharp tongue in a poisonous...

15 cases when combined sex and monthly

15 cases when combined sex and monthly
Question This all pairs decide purely individually, the opinions of doctors should not be called unambiguous, diverge. It remains only to know everything...

11 gadgets with whom our advanced children will not

11 gadgets with whom our advanced children will not
When a child trims a large box with things from our childhood from the attic, you first feel the dignity. And then ... and then you begin to understand...

Thrust of a dozen myths about breastfeeding

Thrust of a dozen myths about breastfeeding
The movement "for breastfeeding" (hereinafter GW) is gaining momentum every year: more and more mothers give preference to this method of nutrition...

7 superconductors that every parent

7 superconductors that every parent
Children believe that parents are real superheroes. What they should not be easily found a lost toy, with great pleasure to read twenty-third times...

Quotes of Lenin, from which blood is fed

Quotes of Lenin, from which blood is fed
On January 21, 1924, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), the ideological inspirer of the October Revolution of 1917 and the first leader of the Soviet state. For...

Tattoo does not spoil the beauty: 40 ideas for small tattoos

Tattoo does not spoil the beauty: 40 ideas for small tattoos
I want to draw something like something, the icon. But the danger immediately draw a dragon to the whole back and a million scarlet roses on the shoulder....

New Russian Cinema: Top 10 Fresh Domestic Films. Go and see!

New Russian Cinema: Top 10 Fresh Domestic Films. Go and see!
By the end of this year, Russian cinema is suspiciously activated: almost weekly the premieres of our films happen, and the repertoire of cinemas half...