Articles #225

Intimidate future mothers with benefit and optimism

Intimidate future mothers with benefit and optimism
Texts warning women about maternity bodies, abound. Only a sense of this. You can't even say "warned, it means, armed", because usually everything is supplied...

Exactly one reason to stop hateing yourself

Exactly one reason to stop hateing yourself
Ask almost any young woman to write a item from ten things that she hates, and four of ten items will be about what she hates himself.For weakness,...

Codex Nodik: how to complain about life

Codex Nodik: how to complain about life
Having jealously on the horizon of the nodik, we usually go to the other side of the street, leaving the doorway, we run to the airport, jump on the...

Five questions that will help stop worrying on trifles

Five questions that will help stop worrying on trifles
Anxiety, fear, anger and longing is not enough that dubious pleasure. If you allow them to seize their thoughts, they arrange natural sabotage, preventing...

As in fact alcohol harms your body and how fast the body can recover

As in fact alcohol harms your body and how fast the body can recover
Let's leave the sacrament, roeroids and other abstinates, let them further enjoy their lives without alcohol. This text is dedicated to those who have...

8 daily trifles, spoiling relationships

8 daily trifles, spoiling relationships
In order to dissess her spray, you can use one of the two equally effective techniques: either make one, but large-scale readiness, or daily on a little...

What is feminism? They say men

What is feminism? They say men
Sooner or later open network (and not only) the discussion about feminism and feminists turns into a sklock. On the one hand, furious men, with the...

The Diary of the Young Mother ™: When GW really infuriates!

The Diary of the Young Mother ™: When GW really infuriates!
PICS.RU continues a series of publications about the life of a young inexperienced mother. In the past series, we talked about the first weeks with...

10 guaranteed ways to confine yourself a birthday

10 guaranteed ways to confine yourself a birthday
Our big white Mrs. Chief Editor PICS is a birthday today. And we, as dedicated slaves, a friendly team, can not pass by this delightful date. Dear Katya,...

Pot, do not cook! Top 10 ridiculous things that brought to charitable funds

Pot, do not cook! Top 10 ridiculous things that brought to charitable funds
Of course, for charitable foundations, the best help is helping the ruble. Not because they are greedy before the naught nasty organizations, but because...

17 feelings that a normal person must forget

17 feelings that a normal person must forget
1. Feeling faith in the ideal.There is nothing perfect in the world. It's impossible. Everything can be done even better. Without the absence of an...

10 reasons why it is impossible to tear your man from tanks!

10 reasons why it is impossible to tear your man from tanks!
Print this letter eleven times, left ten girlfriends, leave the last copy to themselves and reread every time you want to take the locomotive pipe and...

20 postcards about how we speak French when we speak Russian

20 postcards about how we speak French when we speak Russian
Have you ever thought about how often do French words use? If you are not a translator and live in France, Canada or Algeria, then it may be sure that...

Sun, Sanskrin and Skin Cancer: 7 Responses Hypochondriat

Sun, Sanskrin and Skin Cancer: 7 Responses Hypochondriat
Autumn came, the cabbage was plowed, you've already pressed everything in social networks that one and a half months of summer did not meet your hopes...

The mystery of Lysini Professor Xavier is revealed!

The mystery of Lysini Professor Xavier is revealed!
The network has an official trailer for the new film about "Iks people" called "Apocalypse".Do you like "X-people" so, how do we love them? On May 18,...