Articles #222

6 features of the appearance of women who attract all men

6 features of the appearance of women who attract all men
Men love their eyes, so they evaluate each woman externally, checking it on compliance with a specific pattern. But what is this template? Every man...

7 phrases about PMS, which are better not to pronounce out loud

7 phrases about PMS, which are better not to pronounce out loud
Each person is unique, and women in particular. Even the PMS has an excellent half of humanity manifests itself in its own way - for someone his signs...

15 female chips who are incredibly annoyed by men

15 female chips who are incredibly annoyed by men
By becoming an adult, everyone understands that there is no ideal in nature, and even more so the ideal people do not go on the ground. Women and men...

You can live and not a tree: a luxurious house above the ground

You can live and not a tree: a luxurious house above the ground
Studio Artistree has long been known for its sustainable projects, as well as really beautiful and green structures. The company has just introduced...

6 main enemies of women's libido

6 main enemies of women's libido
The lack of a libido or its decline is an alarming bell that something in the body or in life was smashed. And it is impossible to close your eyes to...

Personal experience: Look, I'm so imperfect, and I have terrible days

Personal experience: Look, I'm so imperfect, and I have terrible days
New moon. Teeth are already visible in the gum of the baby. Burning, sweeping panamas and solar umbrellas wind on the street. And the sun, no less burning....

5 products that are very lacking on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets

5 products that are very lacking on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets
All are comfortable supermarkets, it is necessary - I bought a sponge for dishes, it is necessary - milk with potatoes. But some simple things in them,...

Important news in the letter PICS.RU

Important news in the letter PICS.RU
Hey!We missed a couple of Thurspen and accumulated internal news. First, you joined the beautiful Asya Mikheev And today its first article will be released...

Bring all saints: the digest of our articles last week

Bring all saints: the digest of our articles last week
The past week, of course, passed under the sign of Halloween. Creative director walked on the office in a costume of Pirate Barbossus, and the authors...

We need it! 9 pieces for tactful pleasures

We need it! 9 pieces for tactful pleasures
Especially for those who do not know where to do their hands, as well as for lovers, everyone to feel and adventure, we have collected a hack of sooths...

21 The thing you understand those who go to bed at 11 pm

21 The thing you understand those who go to bed at 11 pm
Planning the day in such a way as to be in bed to be in bed, to read theirs, and then 8 hours sweet and serenely sleep from 11 pm to 7 in the morning?...

13 things that are understandable only to girls with long hair. In pictures

13 things that are understandable only to girls with long hair. In pictures
Cassandra Calein is a young Canadian artist of Romanian origin. She got used to his joys and sorrows, but to sketch. It turns out very life comics, understandable...

6 reasons to spin novel with bartender

6 reasons to spin novel with bartender
No matter how cool, and Barman was and remains one of the sexiest professions. Along with firefighters, for example, Barmen also have to work in the...

11 main films about religion and faith

11 main films about religion and faith
This post is not charged for an anticleric anger, we simply collected the most, in our opinion, important and necessary films on the topic of religion,...