Articles #220

TV series for spring evenings: 15 suitable detectives

TV series for spring evenings: 15 suitable detectives
Spring exacerbation is better to worry on a comfortable sofa in the company of Smart Chela leading a complex investigation. And the brain is training,...

Oh, Sport, YOU LIFE: 9 Lifehakov, to make yourself play sports even in the cold

Oh, Sport, YOU LIFE: 9 Lifehakov, to make yourself play sports even in the cold
Babia Summer is all, ahead of the long months of the cold, when quickly darkens, and pulling out itself in the morning from under the blanket turns...

9 Russian serials that are not ashamed to discuss with friends

9 Russian serials that are not ashamed to discuss with friends
It seems to be slowly coming back to the new Russian television, at least to his serial part of broadcasting. There are no time to slip away the versatile...

Finding Day: Picture of Caravaggio worth 120 million euros forgotten in the attic

Finding Day: Picture of Caravaggio worth 120 million euros forgotten in the attic
In France, they accidentally found a recognized losing picture of Caravaggio worth 120 million euros.Regarding the accidentally found in the attic work...

4 The most terrible horror stories of our childhood. Dress, as for the first time!

4 The most terrible horror stories of our childhood. Dress, as for the first time!
Remember, we told each other in the camps about the red hand and black curtains? And necessarily there was such a master to tell, who had a familiar story...

The crisis will not pass: how to enjoy your 40, and burn it all fire

The crisis will not pass: how to enjoy your 40, and burn it all fire
And here, dear friend, forty years old. You have a good job, you are a serious specialist, colleagues are respected and lightly envy you. You have a wife,...

How to allow yourself to fool: tips for women

How to allow yourself to fool: tips for women
"Ponoshilovil and threw," "left, not saying goodbye," "Suddenly disappeared," "does not answer calls" - women seem to come back. How is the strong floor...

18 most lovely facts about the 6th "winter" countries of the world

18 most lovely facts about the 6th "winter" countries of the world
While you complain to the climate in the city, where almost half of the year warmly, someone lives in a country where summer +20 is simply superteply,...

7 children from the "Game of Thrones", which were exactly in your class

7 children from the "Game of Thrones", which were exactly in your class
Even in the fantastic series easily find a lot of familiar. Here, for example, you have already met all these children. In his class.Joffrey Barateon It...

Very strange things that happen to you in a dream

Very strange things that happen to you in a dream
We all adore sleep (right now half of the editorial board PICS.RU. Peel peacefully above the keyboard). But sometimes sleep prevents surprises, moreover,...

Hermione has not changed over the summer: the scandals from which spring began 2017

Hermione has not changed over the summer: the scandals from which spring began 2017
March 2017 shook the frozen and fell asleep on the winter a runet as it should, deciding to start immediately with a series of scandals. All of them is...

21 signs that you have to have sex

21 signs that you have to have sex
You live calmly, you do not touch anyone, you walk to work, you drink wine once a week, you ride the cottage with friends, you do not forget to feed the...

26 news about fearless and decisive oomic

26 news about fearless and decisive oomic
In Russia, or rather, there are special people in Siberia - Omsk, residents of Omsk. Omsk is fearless and decisive. Omsk widespread soul, generous, but...

Happy Birthday, Sarah Jessica Parker! 14 best quotes actresses

Happy Birthday, Sarah Jessica Parker! 14 best quotes actresses
March 25 - the birthday of the star "Sex in the Big City" Sarah Jessica Parker. We have collected the best quotations of the actress in the pictures so...