Articles #218

One, very one: how to enjoy loneliness

One, very one: how to enjoy loneliness
We are afraid of loneliness to the plague forest, although modern culture is completely in vain one's state. Alone is better thinking - no wonderful...

6 loyal ways once and forever get rid of girlfriends

6 loyal ways once and forever get rid of girlfriends
Make friends relatively simple. How to get rid of them - here is the question. If you begin to seem to seem that your girlfriends are morally outdated,...

6 faithful signs that winter is closer than heating season

6 faithful signs that winter is closer than heating season
In the midst of the city were flooded, in half only promise. And winter has already begun visit us!Here are a few signs that the laying too laughed with...

Working psychologically ways to withstand cold and even warm up

Working psychologically ways to withstand cold and even warm up
Amundsen said that the cold is the only thing to which it is impossible to get used (and he knew that in this garbage!). However, it can be scared (not...

Make me raging: Recipes of awesome heating drinks

Make me raging: Recipes of awesome heating drinks
Pour a bottle of inexpensive red in the bucket and flashed there more cloves and cinnamon - such a way to warm up with us every one almost a schoolboy...

How to raise immunity now not to get across to the beginning of winter

How to raise immunity now not to get across to the beginning of winter
Evil viruses and microbes have already been hunting. You will ignore the tips PICS.RU - and just during the pre-New Year Avral to replenish the ranks...

11 pieces that will greatly facilitate life in the journey "DICER"

11 pieces that will greatly facilitate life in the journey "DICER"
No words, nice to drive around at hotels and sanatoriums: clean bed linen, hot shower and someone has already prepared you breakfast. But in order to go...

Eat not at home: how to arrange a picnic and do not get on

Eat not at home: how to arrange a picnic and do not get on
The city resident loves the city, but more and more in theory. In practice, the simple eating sandwiches under the birch turns into a nightmare. From...

In the same language: how to negotiate with a cat

In the same language: how to negotiate with a cat
Cats - not such tyrana and not at all mysterious. They are expressed extremely clearly, you just do not understand them. And you can agree with them...

Open-Air: Survival Rules

Open-Air: Survival Rules
Any musical festival on the grass is a terrible meat grinder, where the most fit is survived. We tell how to go to Open-Air and return to live, healthy...

"Such as I, in China burned" and 18 more quotes Renata Litvinova

"Such as I, in China burned" and 18 more quotes Renata Litvinova
Today is the birthday of Renat Litvinova - the only person who can use in one sentence "Love" and "Blood", without provoking the mass Faispalma, actresses,...

Venedict Erofeev. The most wrong rules of life

Venedict Erofeev. The most wrong rules of life
If we see the wise quotes, then it is clear that "happiness is when you are very happy," "for love you have to love more," and "a real woman should be...

Lishe in fitting room, pubic lice in the bath: 8 of the most stupid myths about diseases

Lishe in fitting room, pubic lice in the bath: 8 of the most stupid myths about diseases
Everyone is sick: someone's cold once in a five-year plan, and someone does not allow doctors with constant complaints. The latter, by the way, often tell...

Morning comic. Incredible adventures of cat-businessman in the office

Morning comic. Incredible adventures of cat-businessman in the office
What if your typical chief behave more and as a typical cat? Tom Forter and Rachel Robins, artist and Content Raiter from the English city of Sheffield,...

6 unexpected ways to use mobfins molds

6 unexpected ways to use mobfins molds
Where did this figigin come from you, unknown. Maybe aunt presented, and maybe Spyan himself ordered on the Internet, because her color is so funny....