Articles #213

RESET button: How to rest right to really relax

RESET button: How to rest right to really relax
You have three works, two cats, a drama, a circle in the photo, fifty friends and buddies and training on Aikido on Sundays. You are not from those...

New Year of Adult VS New Year of the Child: Who Who?

New Year of Adult VS New Year of the Child: Who Who?
Fun will be small and big! Just a little differently;)"Grandfather Frost, I was obedient!" - "Mr. Morozov, why didn't I deserve the award?!" "And what...

Save, New Year! How not to succumb to pre-New Year hysteria

Save, New Year! How not to succumb to pre-New Year hysteria
New Year rushes to us, soon everything happens ... and a lot of joy ... yeah, we know these your joy!It will happen, a clear case, and the confusion...

Watch not what: the attractions that you disappoint

Watch not what: the attractions that you disappoint
Beauty that are so impressive on postcards, in reality often turn out to be somehow no longer. Pics.Ru will help you save the precious holiday time and...

15 signs that you are not infantel

15 signs that you are not infantel
Even if you are 86, it does not mean that you have matured. Some are stuck in infancy when you can beat the days to turhole with toys, solve any question...

10 signs that you are a culinary maniac

10 signs that you are a culinary maniac
Did you ever see a culinary maniac? He has red eyes, because at night he leads culinary wars on the Internet and teaches belligers to understand the varieties...

Article in Wikipedia: Career from blanks to place on the main page

Article in Wikipedia: Career from blanks to place on the main page
15 years ago, January 15, 2001, his work began Wikipedia, the most famous online encyclopedia of the world.This thanks to her, we hang up to the hour...

All sorts of premieres of autumn. Choice

All sorts of premieres of autumn. Choice
Autumn - Traditionally, Premier Time: Cinema, Music, Theater, Gadgets, New Fashion Trends, and so on. Pics.Ru collected all the coolest premieres and trends...

Love is ... Illustrations of Korean artist

Love is ... Illustrations of Korean artist
The artist from South Korea Hyocheon Jeong draws inspiration for his intimate and atmospheric drawings from personal life and from the stories of his friends....

6 signs that it is time to bring order in the house and affairs

6 signs that it is time to bring order in the house and affairs
Are you sure you have everything under control? Come on these items and think if the disorder did not begin to form in some corner of your life. Experts...

Why mom does not need to "help"

Why mom does not need to "help"
As soon as we finished breakfast (home waffles and toasted bacon, if anyone is interested), my children scattered at different corners of the house, the...

The path of Mukhobaba. 15 signs that you are time to tie with household.

The path of Mukhobaba. 15 signs that you are time to tie with household.
You are exactly here if you are familiar to the term Flylady, you have already put a house in order and continue to fight for the lack of dust, but now...

9 reasons not to be perfection

9 reasons not to be perfection
"Do it perfectly or don't try at all," the infectiousness is whispering to you. Do not listen to him, listen to us. The desire for perfection spoils...

Is it easy to be a modern mom? Funny text from mom about gv, slings and consultants

Is it easy to be a modern mom? Funny text from mom about gv, slings and consultants
Anna Degteva's little girl is watching the cattle, which is going around around the kids, and boldly observations shares. If you have a baby in the house,...

Real service: what to do if you are a bride girlfriend

Real service: what to do if you are a bride girlfriend
In the films, everything is wrong. In the films, the bride girlfriend in a clear dress builds eyes the cousin of the groom and under the curtain leaves...