Articles #207

10 myths about Bodun

10 myths about Bodun
Think, you are a valid samurai and know everything about how to survive the next morning after a good night? We argue, half of what you know, not true? It's...

Sharman, pocket! All kinds of pockets and how to use them right

Sharman, pocket! All kinds of pockets and how to use them right
Regardful fact, but on average on women's clothing make less pockets than on male. "You still have a handbag!" And those that are on women's clothing still...

Horoscope. How the signs of the zodiac

Horoscope. How the signs of the zodiac
What to do this suddenly started in winter? Drop the hole uplook? Fish at the bottom Captively put on all bolt? Our editorial magic ball knows everything!...

I became forgetful and scattered. Do you turn into Dori fish?

I became forgetful and scattered. Do you turn into Dori fish?
After publishing a woman's history with memory violations and concentrations, many readers alarmedly admitted that they have similar, although much...

7 Sex Rules in Nature

7 Sex Rules in Nature
Spring finally came, the kebab is marked, the wine is cooled, that and looked like love, and with her, and unrestrained passion. Catch seven immutable...

Girl Power: 10 TV series about Lichy Girls

Girl Power: 10 TV series about Lichy Girls
Anyone can happen - a zombie apocalypse, a financial failure, winter in Moscow and extra regiment. In short, there are days when you put your hands. Especially...

How to furnish an apartment with a shoe box

How to furnish an apartment with a shoe box
The PICS.RU master continues to have a series of articles to help those who have lifted his own cottage or penthouse. Many of us live in apartments...

Music for children from which not nause

Music for children from which not nause
Why is it that children love cheerful and not too intelligent music from which the parents at an hour begins to twitch the eye and spin the head. Pics.Ru...

10 musical instruments that sing about what we live in the future

10 musical instruments that sing about what we live in the future
Varlaam: "In Europe, no one is playing on the piano, playing electricity." Grandfather: "On electricity it is impossible to play - I will kill current."...

How to help your girlfriend who gathered to move

How to help your girlfriend who gathered to move
Usually, friendly assistance when moving is limited to vinny. We bring vinichesko for goodbye with the old apartment, to the distribution party of things...

How to work out of the house and do not go crazy

How to work out of the house and do not go crazy
It only seems that the work of the house is a complete lafa, you want - Havwa eat, you want - gingerbread. In fact, one day you find yourself at three...

Little sun in a cool Frandlent. Post of love for digging!

Little sun in a cool Frandlent. Post of love for digging!
Well, we could not pass by this red robber! Have a nice day :-)

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets

What if he did not give you? 8 practical Soviets
Let's take the truth in the eye: now we will breed a man for sex sometimes much more complicated than the most modest nymphature in the world. And here...

And stylists hide! How to paint your hair yourself and do not

And stylists hide! How to paint your hair yourself and do not
It can even paint the hair with a person who has arms grow from an alternative place. Moreover, without the help of expensive stylists. Of course, it...

6 contemporary procedures for modeling figures

6 contemporary procedures for modeling figures
Women want to remain young as much as possible and keep their beautiful figure. Make it help the correctly compiled training program and the corresponding...