Articles #198

Happinnes exists! 10 dishes from vegetables to which meat don't even want

Happinnes exists! 10 dishes from vegetables to which meat don't even want
When the world is sunny and languidly, and the gifts of the fields and gardens are so from everywhere and rod, I want to eat only and exclusively by them,...

10 simple beauty tips for which only natural ingredients will be needed

10 simple beauty tips for which only natural ingredients will be needed
Today, people are forced to believe that there are no simple and inexpensive cosmetic councils and tricks for which extremely natural products will...

How to be an effective lazy - all when you want to do anything

How to be an effective lazy - all when you want to do anything
As you know, in any work, the main thing is to be packed. You work for 10 hours a day, you will stay up to bed for midnight and fall without strength,...

How to fight off from doctors: memo for pregnant women and mothers

How to fight off from doctors: memo for pregnant women and mothers
We told about how sometimes you have to deal with women in the maternity hospital. And now let's go from words to business. Maria Moltartova, who prepares...

Diagnosis for userpics: Who are afraid of the social network?

Diagnosis for userpics: Who are afraid of the social network?
Maxim Aleksandrov claims that this is a frivolous text, but it hurts truthful! We tried on myself, and I also learned a bunch of friends. Check and...

History of gestures: 9 characters from antiquity, advertising and baseball

History of gestures: 9 characters from antiquity, advertising and baseball
Why do we praise each other, showing a big finger, and insult medium? Why the military put the palm to the head, and the metalhovers demonstrate to us...

20 children's books from which your child will definitely squeeze

20 children's books from which your child will definitely squeeze
Wizards, little men and any beast are, of course, eternal trends. Still, most of all children love to read ... yes about children!The same problems, the...

50 best sites for preschoolers: tasks for logic, recipe, training

50 best sites for preschoolers: tasks for logic, recipe, training
"Kolobok" and "repka" in my mother's execution, of course, is inexhaustible. But the moments occur when the mother's brain begins to flash red and demand...

Our favorite plates with fairy tales

Our favorite plates with fairy tales
When we were small, each black disk in a multicolored cover was a separate holiday and the most guaranteed means to occupy any other than the evening....

10 reasons do not give gifts for the day of lovers. Only for men.

10 reasons do not give gifts for the day of lovers. Only for men.
Admitting, you even do not even remember exactly when it is necessary to celebrate this "damn Valentine's Day". We warn you: do not even try to deepen...

The most famous epidemics in history

The most famous epidemics in history
The death of one person is a tragedy. The death of millions is already statistics. Alas, such large-scale epidemics occurred in the history of our civilization,...

Lightning: Parade Gif-pictures began on PICS.RU!

Lightning: Parade Gif-pictures began on PICS.RU!
Hi, dear reader!Good evening ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to the space and futility of todayHey, you! Yes, yes, you! OUR FAVORYADOROGAYAPREPRED Reader!...

Kazakh pop mechanics: December 9 and 10 "Medea. Material" in the center of Meyerhold (Moscow)

Kazakh pop mechanics: December 9 and 10 "Medea. Material" in the center of Meyerhold (Moscow)
On December 9 and 10, in the center of Sun. Meyerhold as part of the Festival "New European Theater" will be held showing the play "Medea.Material"...

Life with a bipolar disorder in 25 very clear pictures

Life with a bipolar disorder in 25 very clear pictures
Bipolar disorder is the same mysterious mental diseases. No wonder he is dedicated to many films and books. For example, the heroine of the "Motherland"...

Pets: Which relatives are you trying to replace them?

Pets: Which relatives are you trying to replace them?
If you believe Uncle Sigmund, our whole life is a solid sublimation. And if we start pets, it is not at all because just love animals, oh, no. In fact,...