Articles #196

10 cases when you behaved like a person with autism, not knowing about

10 cases when you behaved like a person with autism, not knowing about
Are they aliens, others, "in the astral"? Yes No, in people with features not so much special. You often, without noticing, behaving, behave very much....

5 Writers-fantasies on which thirty-year-old botanks grew

5 Writers-fantasies on which thirty-year-old botanks grew
If in childhood you read the swoping and you are thirty years old or a little more, then you have formed not rowling and not thunder.Here are five names...

Middle-aged crisis: how to get out of it with minimal losses

Middle-aged crisis: how to get out of it with minimal losses
Middle-aged crisis is still trouble. There are no lung crises, all of them are sufficiently exhausting, taking place for sick places provoking. As a...

Saw together who can: 8 lifehas, how to protect the skin and hair from the cold

Saw together who can: 8 lifehas, how to protect the skin and hair from the cold
November is not only sad, but also cold. While the winter did not finally scrolled, take on armament of 8 tips to help your skin and hair to survive...

Manual: how to make a naked selfie

Manual: how to make a naked selfie
How to finally burst into yourself? Try to remove Selfie in the nude genre. Nothing is wrong with self-esteem, like this is a shiny and flabby something...

How to make a successful career and keep health, or what kills us in the office, and how to deal with it

How to make a successful career and keep health, or what kills us in the office, and how to deal with it
Conduct labor weekdays in the office? You came to success! In any case, ten years ago it was thought. Now, after eight or ten o'clock at the table...

Household outsourcing: how to shove things on others

Household outsourcing: how to shove things on others
Down with kitchen slavery. A talented manager is distinguished by no ability to fall down, without rejecting, and the ability to make a job in the neighbor....

8 plants that will help you sleep

8 plants that will help you sleep
"First, it's beautiful," you say, when you drag the next Monster home, the fate of which is almost predetermined. But, if you approach the choice of colors...

Harmful tips: how to become a mizantropom and hate everyone happily

Harmful tips: how to become a mizantropom and hate everyone happily
Those who believe that people need to love, regardless of the circumstances or masterfully pretend, or have never been in public transport at rush hour....

Meningitis from Rumba and sepsis from lipstick: old cosmetics are dangerous for life

Meningitis from Rumba and sepsis from lipstick: old cosmetics are dangerous for life
Each fifth girl who keeps his precious jars for more than five years, risks together with beauty to get sepsis, urinary infection or, at worst, gastroenteritis....

11 exercises for the back. Well, Sit down exactly!

11 exercises for the back. Well, Sit down exactly!
Do you want posture, how is Mayey Plisetskaya? And easily. We found 11 really simple exercises for the back, which can be done at home, and not even...

Pop Rococo Rockwood. Discussing the clip in the category "Kunstkamera"

Pop Rococo Rockwood. Discussing the clip in the category "Kunstkamera"
Sometimes the inquisitive team of PICS.RU ranks in the debris of the TV or Utyuba, and then it comes to himself. But fortunately, we met the hardy and...

Teas for weight loss: 9 myths. Lie VS True

Teas for weight loss: 9 myths. Lie VS True
To drink tea to lose weight, - the dream of any woman. Admitted, have you ever thought about givingbing advertising tricks and buy a pack-other of any...

SECRETS OF THREAT KITCHEN: how to make in the morning well, if night was too good

SECRETS OF THREAT KITCHEN: how to make in the morning well, if night was too good
Yesterday you sat well. It is so good that we managed to run out of the addition two times, then ordered alcohol in one of the illegal delivery services...

10 useful kitchen gadgets, the existence of which many mistresses and are not suspected

10 useful kitchen gadgets, the existence of which many mistresses and are not suspected
On average, the person spends more than two hours a day in the kitchen, preparing food and retracting, so it is not surprising that many are always looking...