Articles #190

How to determine what you apologize too often and stop

How to determine what you apologize too often and stop
When the hairdresser burns you stamp on the temple with a hot hair dryer, you say: "Oh, sorry"? Then this article is for you. If you have more than...

7 men's secrets that women need to know

7 men's secrets that women need to know
What do women really want ... whether they want them to ask about it, or they want to give a little more time to developing relationships. Where they...

New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha

New Year in a snowdrift, or ode dacha
In every person's life, it was at least once. New Year outside the city, a party in a snowdrift, irrigated champagne and vodka, the northern lights in...

Second first love: how to survive daughter in love

Second first love: how to survive daughter in love
Teens generally love to present surprises and radically change their own life about every two days. So you already certainly resigned with her piercing,...

Circumcision of girls and the abduction of mothers: why in Russia get the title of "sexist of the year"

Circumcision of girls and the abduction of mothers: why in Russia get the title of "sexist of the year"
March 10 in the Moscow House of Journalist announced the laureates of the Runet of the Prize "Sexist of the Year - 2016". The premium is organized by the...

How to be happy if you live with a smart woman

How to be happy if you live with a smart woman
What is a clever woman and what to live with it is ordinary and, we will be honest, not a very smart man. Because on the one hand, a smart woman is...

15 focus of human psyche

15 focus of human psyche
All people are different - Thanks to my mother, dad, genetic code and the experience gained experience. But at the same time there are such things on...

How to persuade the girl to marry

How to persuade the girl to marry
Every guy dreams to hear from the girl's offer. In his dreams, he imagines a black suit, a beautiful car and everything that symbolizes the most significant...

Three exclusively female things that bear all men

Three exclusively female things that bear all men
It turns out that phrases: "What are you nobody", "what do you want" and "what you are not behind" - not at all from the evil, but very much from a...

Professional makeup artist: not beauty - does not mean "urodin"

Professional makeup artist: not beauty - does not mean "urodin"
The makeup artist and photographer Natalia Galtskaya is tired of listening to people, especially women, as dismissively describing their appearance and...

18 celebrities without teeth. Photos in the glory of dentistry

18 celebrities without teeth. Photos in the glory of dentistry
You look at these excumbossed portraits, and immediately wants to clean your teeth, to sign up to the dental and generally promise to be more attentive...

Why do you need a clitoris and appendix? 7 "strange" bodies of our body

Why do you need a clitoris and appendix? 7 "strange" bodies of our body
Evolution occurs rapidly, leaving for the memory of our ancestors only rudiments - the bodies that were once needed: so argued by scientists over the past...

5 reliable ways to neutralize manipulator

5 reliable ways to neutralize manipulator
Manipulators everywhere, from the parent house to the TV. How to recognize in time that you deal with a hypindion and how to beat it on her field? Yes...

Stereotypes that interfere with a woman be happy

Stereotypes that interfere with a woman be happy
Since childhood, we are accustomed to certain stereotypes that society dictates. But times are changing, people change, and certain stereotypes remain...

Love 24-7: how to avoid emotional burnout relationships

Love 24-7: how to avoid emotional burnout relationships
Through it are all lovers, it does not matter, they meet for a year or ten years, at some point there are burnout - partners get tired of relationships....