Articles #175

How to pump, fake and deprive sugar life colleagues in the office

How to pump, fake and deprive sugar life colleagues in the office
Labor weekdays of the office plankton bring not much joy. Meetings, reports, planning schedules, again reports ... And if the team has a person who infuriates,...

Hamster died, and then returned. Stories about unexpected disappears and finds

Hamster died, and then returned. Stories about unexpected disappears and finds
Muscovite, a practicing psychologist and just a man Good Julia Rubleva wrote on a page in Facebook a post about the mysterious disappearance of a raincoat...

Vampire himself: What takes our strength and how to restore them?

Vampire himself: What takes our strength and how to restore them?
Life, of course, is such a tense thing that there are no Jowle to do it. But we all (lives) often also help, spending strength in good. Because not...

25 places where schoolchildren need to be reduced

25 places where schoolchildren need to be reduced
A rare child will move from grade 1 to 10, without working out a persistent disgust to thick or logarithm, the political map of the world or the Mendeleev...

Fell, got away: 18 ways to fall asleep in 7 minutes

Fell, got away: 18 ways to fall asleep in 7 minutes
Drive in the neck of these herds of barishs, no sense from them. We found something better for you - 18 non-trivial techniques that will help you fall...

How to solve your sleep without dream

How to solve your sleep without dream
Standard dream book looks like this: an absurd list of objects with unpredictable interpretations. Fire to the flood, a flood to a fire, catch a green...

12 small habits that will make you friendlier to ecology

12 small habits that will make you friendlier to ecology
"Save the mother nature" - this is not the cry of insane hippie, but the most pressing problem. In your power, to become the person who grandchildren...

Difficulties of translation: 14 concepts for whom in Russian lack words

Difficulties of translation: 14 concepts for whom in Russian lack words
Sometimes you talk about anything, and suddenly you understand what to say this particular thought in Russian will not work. There are no words such. And...

4 types of languages, which Russian man breaks

4 types of languages, which Russian man breaks
A lot of Russian people are ready to speak in a foreign language in human. And the language between the teeth is to overstead, and talk with a returious...

"And then he writes to me ..." - how men are ignited on dating sites

"And then he writes to me ..." - how men are ignited on dating sites
The VK-Community "And then he writes to me ..." For less than six months, almost 10 thousand participants collected. Here, girls are anonymously share...

The adventures of our childhood, for which we would give yourself on the ass

The adventures of our childhood, for which we would give yourself on the ass
When we were children, we did not dare to the tablets. We have a lot and actively entertained in the company of the same adolescent idiots. We repeat:...

5 excellent news for dirtwork: no you dirty!

5 excellent news for dirtwork: no you dirty!
Well, it's okay, clean your teeth, well, change out. Well, well, we will stay up to the evening soul, even from the last strength, even if the morning...

Super-short and capacious poems semi-clock

Super-short and capacious poems semi-clock
Patties were, pills were, the depressions were. Meet the semi-pies! The poem is twice as shorter, and wisdom in it is twice as wisen. ...

5 things about which you at least once need to talk to your child

5 things about which you at least once need to talk to your child
There are things that one day must be discussed with your children, directly or indirectly. Because the bad idea is to leave the child without your...