Articles #169

Effective ways to make hair soft and silky

Effective ways to make hair soft and silky
And now, let every lady admits himself, how many times she envied the shining and long hair of girls from advertising. Although some people are born...

5 new eyebrows for eyebrows that few people know

5 new eyebrows for eyebrows that few people know
Ideal eyebrows - half makeup, so they should be given no less care and attention than skin care. Every year more and more procedures appear that allow...

5 Beauty habits that will make older any woman

5 Beauty habits that will make older any woman
Do you think, can only wrinkles? No, in fact, external signs that are significantly added aged, much more, and about some of them many women do not...

8 ways to make good makeup with oily skin

8 ways to make good makeup with oily skin
Some girls think that if they have oily skin, they are forced to give up makeup forever. In fact, you just need to know what is suitable for a specific...

Peace, friendship, chewing: 11 proven tips for successful reconciliation

Peace, friendship, chewing: 11 proven tips for successful reconciliation
It is only in the cinema heroes after split a couple of dozens of excellent plates of each other about the head, easily and easily romantically reunited...

# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Secret Materials" (USA, 2016)

# Prokino: We looked at it for you. "Secret Materials" (USA, 2016)
The experienced viewer mastered the first three series of epic return of the cult series and believes that the experienced viewer needs to be given...

The heart that lives twice. The history of one miracle of transplantology

The heart that lives twice. The history of one miracle of transplantology
American Lisa Swanson first heard the heart of her son beats in the chest of another person. And this is not a scenic application for fantastic medical...

Quotich girl teaches to worry in winter: superal comics

Quotich girl teaches to worry in winter: superal comics
Anastasia Mashrumov, represented by his drawn alter-ego, the quota girl took and drew a visual allowance on how to survive the winter.We have already checked....

Returned alive with love: divorce and "Afghan syndrome"

Returned alive with love: divorce and "Afghan syndrome"
After each war, psychiatrists addicted work - soldiers who survived the horror of the trenches cannot get rid of it and join peaceful life. Sometimes...

9 Nevozhanchikov who will disgrace even the coolest sex

9 Nevozhanchikov who will disgrace even the coolest sex
The human body at the same time a source of pleasure and a very sealing setup. You never know when and where an unexpected IR comes from, a bunch or some...

Cruel, but very honest letter mom for 15-year-old daughter

Cruel, but very honest letter mom for 15-year-old daughter
Some say: "Egoist!" Others - "Well, finally, the voice of the mind!". And Daria Korolkova just writes a letter to his 15-year-old daughter. In the view...

"Alice in the Looking Game" failed at the box office: Spectators against domestic violence

"Alice in the Looking Game" failed at the box office: Spectators against domestic violence
The new film about the adventures of Alice in the plug-in showed bad results of fees in Premier Weekend. This failure is a consequence of a social campaign...

15 phrases that turn designers in fire dragons. In gifs!

15 phrases that turn designers in fire dragons. In gifs!
On Friday evening, it's time to relax and curse office slavery to the seventh knee. No, we certainly love our work very much. But, sorry, not on Friday...

Epic abyss pictures on the Internet - 8 pieces

Epic abyss pictures on the Internet - 8 pieces
We also love to watch pictures (because one time of "stories in pictures" was called, and not, for example, the "boring brick text"). 90% of working time...

Rastabuyu it: about monthly, nasty and female secret

Rastabuyu it: about monthly, nasty and female secret
Menstruation is absolutely normal and healthy. More than half of the world's population spends one week from four.And anyway, most of us love to embrace,...