Articles #166

15 cards about those who infuriates you: why they do not need to make comments

15 cards about those who infuriates you: why they do not need to make comments
Some things seem to be to say only from a huge inner malice. But we are in Pics.RU to believe in the best in people and we hope that many popular comments...

I'll leave everything, I will go to the ocean: 5 disappointments of downshifter

I'll leave everything, I will go to the ocean: 5 disappointments of downshifter
Do you want the sun instead of a lamp, you want behind the window of the palm tree, as well as the sea, personal pool, lobster for 3 kopecks and summer...

Turn your smartphone into spyware megajet. 10 cool lifehakov

Turn your smartphone into spyware megajet. 10 cool lifehakov
Of course, your smartphone is not the unhappy Nokia, which it was possible to play football, prick nuts and beat off the robbers. And yet he also knows...

How to create an eyebrow shape that will make a woman for 10 years younger

How to create an eyebrow shape that will make a woman for 10 years younger
In the fact that eyebrows occupy almost the most important place in the image, no one no longer doubts, but not all women still know how to choose their...

It exists: a worthy husband of a strong woman. We collected 7 examples

It exists: a worthy husband of a strong woman. We collected 7 examples
We decided to find out if there are convincing portraits of strong men who can live with a strong woman in literature and cinema. I had to go through...

"Why I will never take a dog from the shelter": Anonymous letter

"Why I will never take a dog from the shelter": Anonymous letter
Recently, a social campaign for the adoption of dogs from the shelter is gaining momentum: well-known people take part in it, posters appeared on the...

Chert dozen things that interfere with you to fall asleep

Chert dozen things that interfere with you to fall asleep
A glass of warm milk, a good good book, a sheep counting and a dye tincture. Leave for weaklikov. You probably know what Lukey's insomnia is, if you encounter...

5 lifhats that will help remove hair paint stains from face and hands

5 lifhats that will help remove hair paint stains from face and hands
Many women love to paint their hair at home, not in the cabin. This is relatively fast, much cheaper and provides fairly decent results. The minus is...

Where is freedom? 9 signs that you are now freelancer

Where is freedom? 9 signs that you are now freelancer
The office is cool. He makes you observe the regime, tie with blackmakely vinnisto, learn to wear beautiful knee skirts and elegant boats. Working from...

Smart woman and how to survive with her

Smart woman and how to survive with her
We were thinking here that such a smart woman and what to live with her ordinary and, we will be honest, not a very smart man. And even quarreled, due...

Super test for each and everyone: What is your epic mother?

Super test for each and everyone: What is your epic mother?
We are all someone's children, it is understandable. But what of us mother, you need to look yet! Question 1 of 8. Your child brings the fourth two in...

Red and white: how to order wine, so as not to scatter and not disappoint

Red and white: how to order wine, so as not to scatter and not disappoint
We agree immediately: this is an article for those who neither Belmes will not make sense in wine and do not distinguish the bald Barolo from the Decadent...

8 elementary ways to become pretty more than anyone

8 elementary ways to become pretty more than anyone
No matter how much growth in you, what color you have and what brand of shoes - people react at all. The impression of your person can influence rather...

If a man suffers from crooks ... perhaps he has a valid reason!

If a man suffers from crooks ... perhaps he has a valid reason!
What, if you can't be able to go to the subway, and there one unshaven muzzle took two two sites at once, and then three places? I guess him probably...

12 real stories about how we hooligani in school

12 real stories about how we hooligani in school
Having giving a child to school, you think "Well, there will look tune, even though there will be safe." And then you remember your own adventures inside...