Articles #159

How to survive the new year

How to survive the new year
In a number of natural disasters, this phenomenon stands somewhere between the atomic explosion and a two-week visit to Grandma Tamada. But the firm,...

No deals with the devil. 16 important things that teaches depression

No deals with the devil. 16 important things that teaches depression
The artist Tatyana Papusheva, which we very much love for comics with nonsense, first decided to storing your illness. And he told that she taught her...

Do I need to shave the legs in winter? Points for and against"

Do I need to shave the legs in winter? Points for and against"
Winter, cold, you are constantly in the cabbage costume - tights, pants with pants and that's all this, no wonder that the crazy thought is creepy:...

SCNCS, which we vain believed all these years

SCNCS, which we vain believed all these years
We heard these words so many times that they have already begun to believe them, not particularly listening to the meaning. But it would be worth it....

12 most truthful films about unusual love (18+)

12 most truthful films about unusual love (18+)
It would be an unforgivable to close the eyes on the stories about the same-sex love told by world cinema. "Here I remember, I do not remember here, then...

Think of good: mental training also help

Think of good: mental training also help
Scientists in full say that if you imagine how you download the press or click the barbell from the chest, your muscles really become stronger. Even...

How to support the sick friend and not make his life even worse

How to support the sick friend and not make his life even worse
Each of us sometimes need support. To come someone big and strong, wiped snot with tears, hugged, comforted and said that everything would be fine and...

Close, blowing: The whole truth about the carbohydrate window

Close, blowing: The whole truth about the carbohydrate window
The "carbohydrate window" is a period of time after training, when you can eat anything - all the same calories burned, as in the steel-smelting furnace,...

8 parameters for which your life will be happier if there is a sport

8 parameters for which your life will be happier if there is a sport
With capital truths do not argue - sport definitely improves the quality of life. More and more research confirms that regular sports prevents the development...

Pope and children. Waiting and reality in pictures

Pope and children. Waiting and reality in pictures
Pope, like moms, imagine how they will spend time with kids. And, like mothers, reality brutally puts them in place.

Pope clothes children: 10 epic photos, after which you are unlikely to calm down

Pope clothes children: 10 epic photos, after which you are unlikely to calm down
We love such a selection where it is immediately visible: a man approached the assignment to a job. In these photos, you can find a whole bouquet of talent...

12 types of papash

12 types of papash
Any modern man considers his duty to take an active part in the upbringing of his children. Well, almost all. This is very good, of course, but the problem...

5 Almost pornographic novels worthy of referring to literature

5 Almost pornographic novels worthy of referring to literature
This is not her gray "Mamino porn." You do not know what to read for the night - take any of these books from the shelf. We guarantee pleasure. At a...

How worked in offices in the 90s?

How worked in offices in the 90s?
For someone, this text is nostalgia, and for someone - the history of the ancient world. And between those, the 90s ended not so long ago. But today, when...

Scary cartoons of our childhood

Scary cartoons of our childhood
We were afraid, turned away from the screen, hid under the chair, but still emphasized them with a red pencil in the program. After all, tremble from fear,...