Articles #142

24 places where you definitely want sex

24 places where you definitely want sex
Not a man is excited in some place, and the place is exciting a person! That's so. In the buzzfeed community community, 24 locations acting as an aphrodisiac...

9 sexual entertainment, relevant for couples in the first two years of relations

9 sexual entertainment, relevant for couples in the first two years of relations
It is possible without epilation. You can not clean your teeth. Do not chew a chewing. Yes, and in socks, probably, too, you can already. Thank God, we...

Typology of the inhabitants of the parent meeting

Typology of the inhabitants of the parent meeting
For September, two terrifying revelations are characteristic: a) Suddenly, summer ends without a declaration of war; b) You have to go to the parent...

Do you think contraception works? Think again

Do you think contraception works? Think again
Any method of contraception has two types of efficiency - perfect and real. Usually, appreciating the effectiveness of the method, they speak of perfect...

What to play in bad weather. 20 ideas for children and adults in pictures

What to play in bad weather. 20 ideas for children and adults in pictures
Pics.Ru collected the ideas of inexpensive and fun games for those whom the bad weather or a cold forced to publish the house from boredom. We looked at...

15 real terrible and amazing family stories

15 real terrible and amazing family stories
If you think that there are families without a skeleton in the closet, then you probably did not talk about your family history of relatives.And we asked...

10 ways to scare potential son-in-law

10 ways to scare potential son-in-law
Each mother of the charming baby is sooner or later faced with the situation when the babies have completely unexpectedly grow legs, chest and heels, and...

Salted: 6 signs that the time came to part

Salted: 6 signs that the time came to part
It is not easy for parting to decide. Even if the door begins to seem the best way out of the situation, we begin to doubt - maybe everything is fine,...

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU
Modern civilization not only taught the brothers of our bearded to wear tight pants in a red cage with an orange scarf. She taught them to whine them...

The interface of the couple, or why is it sulking and what to do about it?

The interface of the couple, or why is it sulking and what to do about it?
People who are able to go through the tank in two hours and cleaned four Trojan from the server, and for the surrender to explain to a drunk neighbor...

Women against Trump: What happened in America and the world really? Feminik's opinion

Women against Trump: What happened in America and the world really? Feminik's opinion
On January 21, women's march against Trump were held in the USA and other countries of the world, one of the first signed decrees of which was paper on...

Recipes of Russian cuisine: 5 Supercash, which was betrayed by our ancestors

Recipes of Russian cuisine: 5 Supercash, which was betrayed by our ancestors
Oatmeal and a manka for anyone can get bored worse than bitter radish, so we decided to collect 5 recipes for you truly Russian Supercash, who can boil...

Jon Bauer - pictures that everyone should see in childhood. Show your child rather!

Jon Bauer - pictures that everyone should see in childhood. Show your child rather!
It seems, in connection with the transition to reading e-books, including children, the era of book artists-illustrators is forgotten, let's not give them...

Japanese recipes for ordinary mortals. Down with the wand, in the name of the moon!

Japanese recipes for ordinary mortals. Down with the wand, in the name of the moon!
There are many lovers to roll sushi ... and the same people who are missing already in the process of rack rice for them. In addition, not sushi is united...

Nostalgia post: gifts of our dreams or what we dreamed in childhood

Nostalgia post: gifts of our dreams or what we dreamed in childhood
Everyone remembers the foul story about the postman Pechekin, who was a gad, because he, it turns out, there was no bike. And as soon as the desired...