Articles #141

As I was looking for God and found feminism. Anonymous letter of our readers

As I was looking for God and found feminism. Anonymous letter of our readers
PICS.RU is always happy to provide the word with his reader. Especially if she has something to tell. This time, we wrote a girl who became a feminist...

7 ways to help the child survive rainy summer

7 ways to help the child survive rainy summer
Russia is the country is large, somewhere the sun is fried with might and, and somewhere summer as if it did not begin at all. Rain, shower and thunderstorms...

Baiga's hidden potential: what can be prepared from a roll with a hole

Baiga's hidden potential: what can be prepared from a roll with a hole
Bagel sandwich is bontonno, but a little boring. Especially if the bagel bought yesterday was slightly buried. But this thing can be used in business and...

Now everything will turn out: Anatomy of Anal Passion (18+)

Now everything will turn out: Anatomy of Anal Passion (18+)
Sad fact: if a person tells you: "Come on, I can!" It most often means "Come on, I have no idea how this is done and is not able to find an abus from...

15 terribly strange dates

15 terribly strange dates
We know that you know that the ability to make a date and the ability to walk on them long ago equal to art. You need to be able to. But there are cases...

What is this generation suitable for? We were not so

What is this generation suitable for? We were not so
Why is this not what divecha? Parents always know the correct answer!And you will be explained.2017 year:Nowadays, children are rough, do not like to...

15 of the most relevant rules of modern communication from a professional psychologist

15 of the most relevant rules of modern communication from a professional psychologist
The psychologist Julia Rubleva brought fifteen communication rules, following which will help very help in the modern world.#one If you intelligently...

Worst ways to raise yourself mood (in gifs)

Worst ways to raise yourself mood (in gifs)
We went here on the Internet on the Internet, how to cure Handra. And found. No tips and enemies do not need. We tell why. Listen to classic Yeah, Wagner....

Movies in which comedians playing serious roles

Movies in which comedians playing serious roles
Almost every actor, abolishedly knowing how to mix, at least once declares in an interview that she dreams of playing Hamlet or something else in this...

5 important recreation rules in a tense working day

5 important recreation rules in a tense working day
It is for hours to sit so that the concentration of attention does not confuse is the reception, very respected among workaholics. But without high-quality...

10 most ridiculous epic failing zood

10 most ridiculous epic failing zood
Salvation of nature is a noble thing. But sometimes it leaves sideways. Sometimes nature, sometimes saviors, sometimes completely unauthorized people....

Movies about BDSM VS Reality in the subject: What the Hollywood instracted (18+)

Movies about BDSM VS Reality in the subject: What the Hollywood instracted (18+)
After "50 shades of gray" BDSM began to get out of the shadows. But those who really practice bdsm are watching similar films through Faispalm. Stop...

Mary Ellen Wilson - a girl with whom the protection of children began

Mary Ellen Wilson - a girl with whom the protection of children began
We argue about bad parents. About those with whom to live worse than in an orphanage. Surprisingly, the ability to legally save the child, if his close...

Children's moms are as happy as children from "full" families

Children's moms are as happy as children from "full" families
Journalist and Mom, living in Alaska, Lia Campbell, tells about his experience as a single mother and about what scientists talk about children from small...

Interview with Doghanther and Animal Protector

Interview with Doghanther and Animal Protector
Social networks are periodically shaken from a message about poisoning and shooting dogs. Some are called Dog butters of monsters, others believe that...