Articles #140

Not terrible that we are now adults. Scary that adults are us

Not terrible that we are now adults. Scary that adults are us
Neither wrinkles nor a fifth bank loan nor even the birth of heuchers could convince you that you grew up. But you will not leave the facts to the closet:...

How not to help

How not to help
It is much easier to fix the whiskey washing machine than to help a friend in trouble. Most of us with a crash fails this exam. Therefore, we are so...

How to convince children to clean up the room: 7 simple steps

How to convince children to clean up the room: 7 simple steps
Enough to whine that the child does not want to help around the house, but wants to live in a mess. What raised - it grown. Instead of giving things...

How to help your girlfriend lying with a child in the hospital?

How to help your girlfriend lying with a child in the hospital?
Suddenly you know that your friend with a child was pleased to the hospital. You need to do something! You take the phone and hang. Is it worth distracting?...

9 shocking discoveries of women on sexual knowledge of men

9 shocking discoveries of women on sexual knowledge of men
There are few men who are confused out loud that something is not understood in sex and female orgasm. But many people themselves think that they disassemble!...

7 fruits, from which harm is greater than good

7 fruits, from which harm is greater than good
Eat fruit, like a distraught lemur, for breakfast, lunch and dinner - live 100 years and will you look at 20? Well, the root is right. But still, consider...

In the trees do not grow: how to teach a child to handle money

In the trees do not grow: how to teach a child to handle money
Few of us parents taught to handle money. For the majority that grown in dashing nineties and incomprehensible early zero, financial education was in...

27 words that we lacked in Russian, and they are there

27 words that we lacked in Russian, and they are there
It seems that in the native language words lacking and it's time to climb into the Finnish? We have found many words for you, which, in fact, there is...

That the child should know about the forest instead of which moss grows

That the child should know about the forest instead of which moss grows
Our generation, which has grown back in an extraordinary era, is armed with the knowledge gained on the game "Zarnitsa", the lessons of the valve and the...

Kotohakers. Photo of cats with laptop webcam

Kotohakers. Photo of cats with laptop webcam
It is believed that the laptops of cats pulls, because they are warm. And if you did not slam the lid, then the cats will like to play the keyboard. And...

11 signs that you have not had sex for a long time

11 signs that you have not had sex for a long time
Summer this year was not frankly asked, but, agree, this is an additional reason by the days not to get out of bed. And it is not at all to pour a cat...

"Then I will behave like insane": Letter Merilin Monroe from a mental hospital

"Then I will behave like insane": Letter Merilin Monroe from a mental hospital
Marilyn Monroe had problems. Now almost everyone knows about it. She struggled with dependencies and psychological annoying. But few people suspect which...

7 signs that it is time to slow down with criticism

7 signs that it is time to slow down with criticism
You were sent to him over to make a man from this monkey. And you are trying in might and, without giving a person to a second of the respite - you...

"I can't get out of the apartment in the entrance." An anonymous letter of women with alarming disorder

"I can't get out of the apartment in the entrance." An anonymous letter of women with alarming disorder
Hello! Always with pleasure I read the materials, but rarely comment (or rather, almost never comment). Why did you suddenly decide to write? Consider...

Pass, please won the placenta plate

Pass, please won the placenta plate
Well, hello, adok and alternative medicine. Once we went to the voice of Tom Cruise, which, according to the tables, was one of the first representatives...