Articles #139

They wore such to Madonna. 33 Girls and Cones Bras

They wore such to Madonna. 33 Girls and Cones Bras
There are, of course, among us young and green who think that Gauthier and Madonna did it for the first time. But not. Visual proof - Hollywood trend 1940-1950,...

The first and last impression: the real stories of male fakes in bed

The first and last impression: the real stories of male fakes in bed
Men of the whole world learned the cherished three letters "PMS", learned to distinguish between 50 shades of gray and finally remembered where the clitoris...

3 of the most faithful signs, is there a man in bed

3 of the most faithful signs, is there a man in bed
Our people are not bread with bread, let us accept to be added. Here and the men also considered: there is a whole hater of signs, according to which...

8 episodes of your secret life in the bathroom

8 episodes of your secret life in the bathroom
Open the door to the cherished room. You close it. And you think that what are you doing superchard and individual? Relax. All girls make there about the...

Effective lazy tips: how to work, almost without working

Effective lazy tips: how to work, almost without working
As you know, in any work, the main thing is to be packed. You're kylich in the ride for 10 hours a day, you will stay up to the bed for midnight and...

Cup-khatsky, cactus quasimodo: 10 literary heroes on your table

Cup-khatsky, cactus quasimodo: 10 literary heroes on your table
This is not a mess, it is an artistic disorder. Literary and artistic. And let no one dares anything on your table - it will break all the Stabul. And...

Varya burns: Notes about the life of one girl

Varya burns: Notes about the life of one girl
Simple Russian woman Anna Berlin is not only a doctor, but also a mother, and just a very observant person. On his Facebook page, she often retells the...

5 attacks on other borders that should be avoided in public transport

5 attacks on other borders that should be avoided in public transport
In the subway, bus, train at rush hour, and not only, it is difficult to comply with a decent distance with other people, and with that, everything, in...

Caucasus: What are women silent about. Scream in the hole from which the Costinkus will grow

Caucasus: What are women silent about. Scream in the hole from which the Costinkus will grow
In a public "overheard. Feminism. The Caucasus "VKontakte all fifty subscribers, however, every day anonymous terrible stories appear in it that is...

# Mother's daughters: 13 photos on which daughters are small copies of moms

# Mother's daughters: 13 photos on which daughters are small copies of moms
Such different, but still such similar. The relationship between mother and daughter is difficult to catch, but there are footsteps that speak for themselves. A...

SMS correspondence girlfriends who constantly troll each other

SMS correspondence girlfriends who constantly troll each other
All real girlfriends do it. Brutally pushed each other into the most peaceful moments of life. Other stories with the same...

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear?

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear?
It would be strange if people in a talk show and on the streets covered opposite questions of the criminal, and not his sacrifice. What would happen then?...

How to live with a soldier who does not know the words of love

How to live with a soldier who does not know the words of love
Life from the Queen of the drama of any floor is not easy, but also on another pole there are its difficulties. A little-member iceberg in the ocean...

How to bring order in the box-c-trash

How to bring order in the box-c-trash
Each egg box has a box. Putting it out of the chest - and there you have been lying down coils with threads, charging from three generations of mobile...

# Sexproving. Interview with the creator of textbook for sex for adolescents

# Sexproving. Interview with the creator of textbook for sex for adolescents
Runet for several days discussing money collection for sex textbook for adolescents (other writing - for children). Created and wants to publish Tatyana...