Articles #134

12 questions that can be answered only by lies! In gifs

12 questions that can be answered only by lies! In gifs
It happens, you go out of the house (on Monday or there, January 14) with a solid intention to lead pure, honest life and here Mom writes in FB: "And who...

How not to bother your wife? Manual from

How not to bother your wife? Manual from
Interns, you can find a thousand and one text on how a woman should behave, so as not to bother her husband and stay for him with trembling valley,...

Stop making me to love yourself and work on it, finally,

Stop making me to love yourself and work on it, finally,
Got! You should complain how you will fall at work and in the housework, and the kid of advisers says - on you, they say, everyone goes, because you...

Over a second before ... Incredible photos!

Over a second before ... Incredible photos!
Such frames can not be removed specifically. They are obtained by themselves, and, as a rule, at the most unexpected moment. You will enjoy the same, while...

That you should not speak a lonely girl, so as not to masm your loved ones

That you should not speak a lonely girl, so as not to masm your loved ones
In Russian, there is no decent word to designate a girl who is not involved in the relationship. You will say "lonely", and the cat's battalion and...

The house in which the sadness lives

The house in which the sadness lives
Meet all this magnificence - the work of the American photo artist Jim Kazanjian. The artist from Portland assures that all his visions are inspired by...

Psychologist Pavel Zyigmantich: how to turn a friendly relationship in friendly

Psychologist Pavel Zyigmantich: how to turn a friendly relationship in friendly
Pavel Zygmantich - "A man who is doing complicated" - displays a thin process of turning acquaintances in friends. Be sure to read for anyone who is...

A little Russian classic painting. In Simpsons

A little Russian classic painting. In Simpsons
The teacher of the largest Fojo Media Institute for professional journalists in Sweden Dmitry Karpov somehow made his students the task of simpsonizing...

Live to holidays and do not go crazy

Live to holidays and do not go crazy
December is not just the darker month of the year, he is also the most tense. You work like a Stakhanovka to slaughter, bother about gifts, parties...

Oliver Sax about the most important things. Quotes

Oliver Sax about the most important things. Quotes
On Sunday, August 30, at the age of 82, a famous neurologist and writer Oliver Sax died. His books, only in the United States, were sold by millions of...

15 hot grandparents in your ribbon

15 hot grandparents in your ribbon
New Year is not only for a small, arguing, would you not refuse if such a grandpa looked at the light? We share with you the results of the invaluable...

# Instagramdy: Some Rob and Celebrity

# Instagramdy: Some Rob and Celebrity
Rob calls himself to the ordinary dude from Belgium, but his account in Instagram is shot by photographs with celebrities. Collages come fire! Good old...

The crisis of a third of life: when the future burst unnoticed

The crisis of a third of life: when the future burst unnoticed
We all know about the crisis of the middle of life: this is when men begin to buy red racing cars and send obscene offers by 18 years in Tinder, and...

18 strange sex stories, after which you risk throwing it a glible case

18 strange sex stories, after which you risk throwing it a glible case
All stories are real, coincidences are not accidental: these are the results of the survey of users buzzfeed. You read and think - but at first glance...

Danketerapery. 12 dances, one of which was created for you!

Danketerapery. 12 dances, one of which was created for you!
Real dance fans assure that there is no such problem that it could not be overcome. That is, dance, of course. At least one dance in the world is created...