Articles #131

20 books that are worth reading children overnight

20 books that are worth reading children overnight
Because it is not a single one, although he is good, that he is shy to shower. We have collected for you a mini-library of 20 very good children's books....

From the monster in beauty: how to put yourself in order after a fun night

From the monster in beauty: how to put yourself in order after a fun night
Suppose you moved yesterday and woke up not in the best condition of the soul and body. And it is necessary to look like a fairytte, which liter whiskey...

19 things that gays want to say to their heterosexual girlfriends (18+)

19 things that gays want to say to their heterosexual girlfriends (18+)
This is true, all very subtle matters. Like all human relations in general. And you must first of all talk and be able to listen, and homophobia and...

7 old but unexpected books about spring

7 old but unexpected books about spring
The mass of grief psychologists offer us correctly think that the right events began around. For once, we agree with them. Let's re-read those books...

24 sudden pieces for the bathroom that you definitely need

24 sudden pieces for the bathroom that you definitely need
Who said that the bathroom is not a place for fun? Very space! Catching our list of 24 beautiful idiotic pieces that will make a little fun in boring toilet...

Australian firefighters are again divided for the calendar. PHOTO

Australian firefighters are again divided for the calendar. PHOTO
Australian firefighters undress for photos on calendars already since 1993. Exactly before it became mainstream. Strictly for charity. All assembled funds...

9 signs that you saved everyone. Interns

9 signs that you saved everyone. Interns
Do good deeds are easy and pleasant, especially if for this it is not necessary to pull the ass from the sofa and get out of the Internet. We collected...

Cat physics: incredibly funny comic book

Cat physics: incredibly funny comic book
Artist-schedule from Australia Joshua Drammond loves comics, cats and science. Especially for the same, he painted a unique illustrated reference book...

Shadow Business: How To Wear Sunglasses, not to go blind

Shadow Business: How To Wear Sunglasses, not to go blind
Glasses not only hide your sleepy eyes from the world. They also cover their eyes from ultraviolet. Which, give him the will, may not be unlawable vision. Eyes...

23 phrases from which sex begins

23 phrases from which sex begins
We mean - good sex. Great sex. Sex who wants to repeat! Put in the comments a figure how many matches you have!1. "What are you not sleeping?" 2. "Bring...

Harsh truth about how the world is actually arranged in postcards

Harsh truth about how the world is actually arranged in postcards
Few of the townspeople and even scientists aware that at the heart of our view on the world and the terms used for its description is the position of the...

Altruism is such egoism, only in profile

Altruism is such egoism, only in profile
Some psychologists argue that people are not good just like that, but solve some internal problems with the help of charity. We, of course, will listen...

# YanebolessAzati: Flashmob, in which hundreds of girls admitted that they were raped

# YanebolessAzati: Flashmob, in which hundreds of girls admitted that they were raped
Ukrainian journalist Anastasia Melnichenko launched in Facebook Hosteg # YanebolessCazati - real stories about sexual harassment and violence. PICS.RU...

How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect

How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect
One of the most dangerous tracks on which a woman can go is to believe it. Neither the family nor friends can switch to the living person to the toggle...

10 sms from the former: the last clot was superfluous!

10 sms from the former: the last clot was superfluous!
Well, however, few people know how to create an awkward situation, like those with whom we used to share the situation. Text...