Articles #124

21 signs that motherhood drove you crazy

21 signs that motherhood drove you crazy
We think, many moms will agree that the motherhood absolutely changed our life, filled it with the deepest meaning, brought unimaginable joy into it...

Aliens Children: Instructions for applying

Aliens Children: Instructions for applying
Well, okay, suppose we have reached some arrangements that you can and what cannot be done with your children. And what about others?Aliens children...

Our mothers are a wizard. 13 stories about why we will always love them

Our mothers are a wizard. 13 stories about why we will always love them
Mom is something more than a person who feeds and raises. Mama has to be sometimes real magicians and heroes. Our readers shared memories of the actions...

8 episodes from the "Game of Thrones", which were in your sex life (18+)

8 episodes from the "Game of Thrones", which were in your sex life (18+)
There are those who will say on any episode in the series: "It was in Simpsons." And there are those who can say with a clean soul: "It was in my sex."...

"I have not dreamed about such a lifetime," as mom cope with the negative

"I have not dreamed about such a lifetime," as mom cope with the negative
In the second hour of the night, I stand in a half-walled kitchen, I braided the next skillet - she did not fit into the dishwasher. In the house, silence...

You still have 30. And no less

You still have 30. And no less
In the mirror you see a trendy and bold person, which easily spokes up to the teeth of Bartender, a psychotuy taxi driver and a twenty-one-year-old...

7 steep heroines that served us here

7 steep heroines that served us here
The series exists for more than half a century, and if you take some journal novels there with a continuation - then longer.It is difficult to overestimate...

At what age, our children come to gadgets? Parents are recognized

At what age, our children come to gadgets? Parents are recognized
How much gadgets entered our lives? Futurologists and science fictioners were confident that at the beginning of the twenty-first century, even kids would...

And wedding when? 5 answers to the eternal question

And wedding when? 5 answers to the eternal question
You live together together, grow a cat and cactus and do not really turn into a relationship. Why is your business. But the public in the face of Rodni...

Maternity can be beautiful. If you are really ready for him

Maternity can be beautiful. If you are really ready for him
When you read about motherhood on the Internet, you buy back into two diametrically opposite points of view. Or the child is unconditional happiness,...

Parents hide! What we did not talk about growing up

Parents hide! What we did not talk about growing up
Why did the adults tell us this when we were 14 years old? Definitely, these knowledge would have made our so-called adult life much easier!Now grow...

What if your close goes crazy in your hands?

What if your close goes crazy in your hands?
After the sensational video event, Shineid O'Connor, where she tells about her mental problems, Facebook user Boris Versea thought, why it rarely gives...

11 facts about visible feminifies in Russian

11 facts about visible feminifies in Russian
Feminivities are women's words, alternative or double families similar to the concepts of male genus, denoting a profession or occupation. Such is the...

"The child does not return childhood, and I hate tractors." Letter from our motherhood readers

"The child does not return childhood, and I hate tractors." Letter from our motherhood readers
The mother of a little son wrote a letter that asks to publish anonymously. So we did. But they replaced three mate words, we admit honestly.I constantly...