Articles #123

How not to go into consideration?

How not to go into consideration?
Everyone knows that you have to be a good girl and then nothing bad happens to you. Even bad girls know it. And they probably had a very offensive to know....

I want to pamper you today: Magic Stories of Simple Family Love

I want to pamper you today: Magic Stories of Simple Family Love
Psychologists say that in children who grew up on examples of an explicit, quite financially carried out by love (be it an embodiment of presented earrings...

This is the end: why the institution of marriage has survived itself

This is the end: why the institution of marriage has survived itself
Brides everywhere. The organizers of the weddings and Muslin merchants at night demonically laughing and bathe in bills. Limousine for rent not to find...

4 cynical truths about great love and happy marriage

4 cynical truths about great love and happy marriage
To begin with, we break all the places: great love has very little attitude towards how strong your family will be. The secret codes of those couples...

Why do a child need a grandmother: 5 good reasons

Why do a child need a grandmother: 5 good reasons
Grandma Paws, Grandma spoils, Grandma neither PSA does not make sense in the right upbringing. Well, yes, well, yes, and who then brought you up so...

What is wrong with our ideas about "traditional marriage"? Yes, everything is wrong with them!

What is wrong with our ideas about "traditional marriage"? Yes, everything is wrong with them!
Here now many run around with circles and totat for a traditional marriage. Say, you decompose everything here and liberally, and a strong traditional...

Why is minimalism in clothes there is no future: 8 resonov against white t-shirt

Why is minimalism in clothes there is no future: 8 resonov against white t-shirt
Normor, Normor. Convenient, stylish, Fashion of the future! Now we'll tell you why this fashion is time to merge into the pit, and in her place to return...

Do you have an equal contribution to the life of the family? It is not difficult to check

Do you have an equal contribution to the life of the family? It is not difficult to check
There are many women who believe that they have a partnership with her husband, and many housewives, confident that the responsibilities are now divided...

What we dreamed of in childhood and where dreams lead. Real stories of our readers

What we dreamed of in childhood and where dreams lead. Real stories of our readers
What do people dream of childhood, not necessarily go to astronauts? Are dreams come true, and if they come true, do we give us happiness? We question...

4 famous love stories that you should not call love

4 famous love stories that you should not call love
How many canonical love stories in the literature have already considered and exposed critics and literary criticism! The analysis did not leave Romeo...

7 ideas for dates if you already live together

7 ideas for dates if you already live together
At the very beginning of your novel, you were all the same, where to merge in a kiss. And now everything is somehow not to the trifles, and even if...

18 Piechkov-Pattakes about Tlen around us

18 Piechkov-Pattakes about Tlen around us
Congratulations on the first day of the last month of autumn? Will you say that so-so congratulations? You fucking wrong, it brings us to spring and years....

Znorly: 6 facts about porn that you did not know (18+)

Znorly: 6 facts about porn that you did not know (18+)
Right now - yes, this very second - 30 million people are watching porn online on the entire planet. And no one ever learns how much she moves its warm...

13 reasons to remember that motherhood is fun. In gifs!

13 reasons to remember that motherhood is fun. In gifs!
The world will never be the same if you have a little baby. Suddenly you will find out that many things can find a fundamentally different application....

7 awkward questions about fairy tales from my daughter and 7 of my ways to get out of the position

7 awkward questions about fairy tales from my daughter and 7 of my ways to get out of the position
The fairy tales were invented in those times when the children did not look "Galileo" and were much gullible. Perhaps even their credulity was provided...