Articles #122

Marriage with character

Marriage with character
The fate of your union determine your temperatures - not in everything, of course, and in some places. But sometimes quite important places! Phlegmatic...

Why don't people love you?

Why don't people love you?
Everything with you seems to be in order - you are read, sports and pretty. And people still stretch to someone else: it's not your name to the parties,...

Frontal SMS from a girl who parted as an asshole

Frontal SMS from a girl who parted as an asshole
It's not good to do so, very bad! But sometimes it wants damn. Author of SMS history: Lilith Mazikina

13 postcards about our difficult hair relationships

13 postcards about our difficult hair relationships
Do you know that one ancient Greek advised everyone to take care of his hairstyles, because the hairstyle makes beautiful even more beautiful, and ugly...

How to survive the beginning of autumn? 10 Topical Soviets

How to survive the beginning of autumn? 10 Topical Soviets
Autumn in our areas (and under our, we mean any edges where our people live) comes almost like winter - unexpectedly and very disappointing!And it's a...

6 things that girls are very raised with kisses

6 things that girls are very raised with kisses
By the way, it was the pleasant of kisses that determines how much the girl enthusiasm the guy and how ready to forgive him misses in bed. So say scientists!So,...

10 moments of your wedding that you will not tell anyone

10 moments of your wedding that you will not tell anyone
In life, Faulesh - and at the wedding the coffee. It's how to drink. But at the wedding they give. In short, the wedding is without the hell, but if...

Only after the wedding: 10 reasons not to go before the registry office

Only after the wedding: 10 reasons not to go before the registry office
Yes, yes, we all know about the benefits of test drives, but leave already a guy alone. Here are 10 arguments against life in one slash, and we found them...

6 types of fairy creatures that woman can find in their bed

6 types of fairy creatures that woman can find in their bed
When you get acquainted with a different man, it looks like in the worst case as a person, in the best - as a fabulous prince.But it is worth walking to...

6 reasons stop being a good girl and become ass

6 reasons stop being a good girl and become ass
Relax, disposable buttons on jeans and stop apologizing for your imperfection. Yes, you do not have enough patience to the housekeeping, you eat the...

"Somehow not in Russian Pushkin writes" Real records of Russian mothers about children

"Somehow not in Russian Pushkin writes" Real records of Russian mothers about children
If you look at funny parent tweets, you notice one thing: something funny happens, it seems, only among foreign parents and their children. And what about...

Mom dear, you are no longer guilty that is not perfect! And other revelations, useful after the birth of a child

Mom dear, you are no longer guilty that is not perfect! And other revelations, useful after the birth of a child
Preparing for the appearance of a child or giving, finally, life, Mom convulsively grabs books, magazines and forums who will tell her how to behave with...

Why a bad mother is actually very good mother

Why a bad mother is actually very good mother
You try to be an ideal mother ™, but it turns out not very: then the bow pulled the crooked, it did not feed it on time, then the cartoons included instead...

11 signs that you are a shortfall bachelor

11 signs that you are a shortfall bachelor
Marriage is not enough for everyone. Admit yourself - you have never fully understood all this Haip about marriage. Maybe it is really not necessary...

Psychologist: Sexual Life Couple depends on household duties

Psychologist: Sexual Life Couple depends on household duties
The Belarusian psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich shares the results of research on family life of couples and explains what they mean. In the native Palesties,...