Articles #120

14 life SMS on understanding of generations

14 life SMS on understanding of generations
Not every family can achieve mutual understanding between generations. But we all try very much, and that's fine. Truth?

Role-playing models: What do we teach a heroine from cartoons?

Role-playing models: What do we teach a heroine from cartoons?
Other cartoon heroines are much cooled by living celebrities. And certainly smarter. So if you are looking for an example for imitation, you can stay:...

Open graves in rarefied air

Open graves in rarefied air
After in the nineties, the rise to Everest put on a commercial stream, lovers and amateurs rushed on his slopes. And if there are too many people in the...

Wars in a peaceful life: Let me allow 10 hopeless situations

Wars in a peaceful life: Let me allow 10 hopeless situations
People are definitely divided into two types. And one type dreams if it is not uktrumped the second, then drive it into as far as possible reservation....

Debt honor: how to intercept more and return later

Debt honor: how to intercept more and return later
Down with credit slavery - we are proudly lending from friends as equal in equal. Here are 10 cunning tricks for living in debt. Do concessionsNeed ten...

Your femininity: where to run and what to do if it is not

Your femininity: where to run and what to do if it is not
Suppose you read all articles in the Internet on how to become feminine. Penetrated and became. Hurt. Then this article is not for you. For you, look,...

They say that ugly! Parade of ugly people in Italy

They say that ugly! Parade of ugly people in Italy
In a small Italian village, Piorikko takes place an annual parade of ugly people. The Holiday Organization is engaged in the association of ugly people,...

11 quarry that you will not shine in Russia if you are a woman. Until

11 quarry that you will not shine in Russia if you are a woman. Until
The Constitution of the Russian Federation, of course, guarantees equality of floors, as well as the laws of all developed countries, but in many professions...

6 taboo for true "dragonfly"

6 taboo for true "dragonfly"
"Dragonflinking Summer Red Walked. Lookane did not have time, like winter rolls into the eyes. " History, as it should be bass, with subtext. Like, only...

Lady Gaga - 30! Post recognition in love

Lady Gaga - 30! Post recognition in love
Over the past couple of years, Lady Gaga from the next eccentric pop star turned into a supernova. And she has just shouted thirty! She is not considered...

Married to a foreigner: Real collision stories of cultures

Married to a foreigner: Real collision stories of cultures
In our age of globalization to marry a foreigner, and even move to his country, is no longer so incredibly exotic, as at the time of Anna Yaroslavna. And...

14 drawings about children's surprise

14 drawings about children's surprise
Children do not care about your adult fantasies, they generally painted quite another. Honestly. And you sit here and look out for the penises in children's...

Mechanics of love: how the brain makes us fall in love

Mechanics of love: how the brain makes us fall in love
Do you think fate and dar over? Sorry. All those wonders that occur with you during love - the despicable activities of the glands of the internal secretion....

Morning comics. Office horse Horace and his too likely adventure

Morning comics. Office horse Horace and his too likely adventure
The Finnish artist Samson Samson Lintula is the author of the popular comic strip about the horse of Horace, a typical representative of the cultural workers....

You're a Sexy Motherf * Cker: 10 sexy pieces that you really need

You're a Sexy Motherf * Cker: 10 sexy pieces that you really need
Racking already shame and doubts: when pseudo-bdsm 50 shades you know what you are walking on the planet, it's stupid seriously consider that a campaign...