Articles #116

Where did real men disappeared?

Where did real men disappeared?
Family psychologist Pavel Zyggmantovich answers the main issue of life, the universe and all this: "Where did the real men be treated?"Normal men translated...

Features of national laziness and short determinant of the sloth

Features of national laziness and short determinant of the sloth
Chronic laziness is such our national feature. Century. Starting with fairy tales, where Ilya thirty years and three years sat on the furnace, and then...

Adults about whiskers and other cynical and insane rhymes

Adults about whiskers and other cynical and insane rhymes
The guy named Pavel Maitors writes short absurdist poems, in which, if you climbed, you can find a lot of irony and cultural references to any relevant,...

Favorite transfer of our childhood

Favorite transfer of our childhood
They needed to look around in the program, armed with a red pencil. They needed to catch, competing with dad sports and grandmother's concerts. And we...

What would we say if we talked the truth on the first date? (in gifs)

What would we say if we talked the truth on the first date? (in gifs)
What would happen if we always spoke the truth, only the truth and nothing but truth? For example, you come for a date, and there a miracle in feathers...

You're already a real woman! Psychologist guarantees

You're already a real woman! Psychologist guarantees
We found from the Family Psychologist Pavel Zygmantovich an article that will save you a lot of money, time and nerves, if you have ever thought about...

Most hellish greetings in verse on March 8

Most hellish greetings in verse on March 8
For some damn, we scored in the search engine "Congratulations on March 8" and the very first result knocked out the editors from the rut for half a day....

Scandal Girl: 13 movies about trouble maides

Scandal Girl: 13 movies about trouble maides
As they say in one famous saying, good girls are glad to heaven, and bad - anywhere. gathered 13 films about the most daring girls, Tear, which...

Women's head: Useful habits that do not require your effort

Women's head: Useful habits that do not require your effort
Faith the grass, download Bitsuhu, go to bed at 21:00 and calm, only calm. We do not know what kind of cyborg magazines publish these tips. PICS readers...

If you are psychodula ... how to take a sudden stress?

If you are psychodula ... how to take a sudden stress?
And the stress is inappropriate to fall, when they are not waiting at all ... How to catch a roof when she is having fun on the last bolt? At first,...

20 situations when she definitely does not want sex

20 situations when she definitely does not want sex
Manual on a woman - 20 situations in which you can be reinforced and confident that she doesn't want to definitely, and no coquetry! Maybe someday then....

Wacom in your home: participate in the competition and get a graphic tablet!

Wacom in your home: participate in the competition and get a graphic tablet!
"Who will write about Wacom?" The executive director asks. "Lilith will write, she has Wacom" says Creative Director. "Probably she has already studied...

New screen version of the novel Stephen King! This time - the series

New screen version of the novel Stephen King! This time - the series
Rejoice and disturb the fans of the creativity of the Matra, Stephen King, comes the next film release of his book! This time we are talking about the...

Magnificent "Family Addams": how the actors have changed 25 years later

Magnificent "Family Addams": how the actors have changed 25 years later
A quarter of a century ago began to shoot one of the best films of our childhood, a friendly and magnificent "Family Addams". We watched her with a video...

9 ideas that will turn your cottage in Katorga

9 ideas that will turn your cottage in Katorga
Exhausted urban winter and weakly distinguishable from it in spring and autumn, you dream of a summer, about Dacha! Oh, how much is there you can make...